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Why Working Hard is Keeping You Stuck | EP 81

In today’s podcast episode we explore: 

- Why the good old "hard work” mentality results in missed opportunities and stunted business growth. 

 - A simple shift in your mentality to start focusing on leveraging your time better will yield much better results. 

 - You can start by empowering your team to do more, and reinvesting a portion of revenue back into the business to improve your systems and process and get better at what you already do. These simple shifts will elevate your role in the business and build a more sustainable and profitable future. 


PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now: 

1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for leaders and business owners learning the strategies and leadership skills to step up and thrive right now – Click Here to join Facebook 

2. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team” to learn the skills to get the most out of the people around you. Build a high performing team that generates incredible profits and allows you to have more fun and spend more time with the people you love – Click Here

3. Book a Catch Up so you and I can touch base, get to know each other a little better, and really look at where you are now, where you want to be, and then we’ll build a personalised plan together for how to get you there! – Click Here 

4. Join us! We run a thriving community and training group for engineering consultancy business owners. In 2023, our members on average grew their revenue by 46%. If you'd like the same results or better - just send me an email at [email protected] with the word “PROGRAM” and I’ll get you some more information. 


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