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Managing a business requires making daily decisions - whether related to setting priorities, finding good solutions, or simply choosing how to best communicate with current and potential clients.

Have you ever thought about how effective your decision-making is? Do you procrastinate when making those decisions? Do you overthink?

It’s only normal to approach making decisions carefully because that is what’s going to take us towards either success or failure. If your decision-making process is flawed though, you’ll come unstuck sooner rather than later.

Today, I want to explore with you why making decisions doesn’t need to be hard and how we can make it easier.

Most often, the core of the problem is putting off making decisions. There are so many to make and we tend to wait for a better time to make them, when we’re focused or have time to think things through. But let’s be realistic. That time never comes - because perfection doesn’t exist.

So, how does this play out in reality? Decisions accumulate. And if you had trouble making one or two, they’ve now become 10 or 20 or more! It’s never easy when you let things pile up. Sometimes it gets so difficult and overwhelming, that it can lead to burnout.

That’s why it is important to think about how to make things easier for ourselves when it comes to making decisions.

My first piece of advice is to look at it from a different perspective. Rather than being a perfectionist, adopt the mindset of a learner. This essentially means that you need to understand and accept that sometimes you will make the wrong decisions. But it’s going to be a learning experience for you. You’ll know what not to do the next time you’re in a similar situation.

Once you’ve managed to make this mindset shift, it’s all about taking the first step. It’s no use knowing things in theory but not implementing them. So, start taking action. Take the first step. And when you do, the second step will become clearer. You’ll notice it’s a chain reaction.

Practise leaning into discomfort and take those first steps. You need to keep at it for a while until you’ve established it as a habit. It will only get better from there. 

When you get more comfortable with making decisions, it’s then time to work on making them more quickly. This will be the last piece of the puzzle.

What kind of results can you expect? 

You’ll see a massive difference in your performance. You’ll be able to tick things on your to-do list and move things along more quickly i.e. your productivity will increase. Look at it as removing the clutter from your brain. You’ll get much more clarity.

In addition, you will gain a lot of experience and learn a lot in the process. This will enable you to grow as a person, but also as a business owner. You’ll be able to move the needle more quickly.

Ultimately, your business will grow as a direct result. 

If you’d like to learn more, please take a look at my most recent podcast episode on this exact topic:

Click here for the podcast episode.

Click here to watch the video.

Josh ‘Decision Maker’ Stone


PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for leaders and business owners

It’s our Facebook community where leaders and business owners are learning the strategies and leadership skills to step up and thrive right now – Click Here to join

  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team”

Learn the skills to get the most out of the people around you. Build a high performing team that generates incredible profits and allows you to have more fun and to spend more time with the people you love – Click Here 

  1. Book in a Catch Up

This session is designed for you and I to touch base, to get to know each other a little better and to really look at where you are now, where you want to be and then we’ll make a plan together for how to get you there! – Click Here 

  1. Work With Us

Join our training program designed to help you focus on the core areas of growing your team, your business and yourself in the process. Together we'll work on winning work, business development & client relationships. We'll look at strategies for team performance, project performance as well as your leadership skills to motivate and get the most from the people around you. We'll also focus on your growth as a leader, effective delegation to those around you and only focusing on the strategic activities that move the needle and make the biggest difference. - Just send me an email at [email protected] with the word “PROGRAM” and I’ll get you some more information.


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