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How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team

Created Specifically For Engineering Consultancies

Build a high performing engineering team that generates incredible profits & frees you up to focus on strategy, direction & the high-growth activities that will move the needle the most & make the biggest difference


Now Is The Next Best Time

I used to be amazing at delaying, procrastinating, justifying and not taking action on the big things that I logically knew would move my business forward. 


But once I got serious about our businesses growth and focusing on the 'big rocks'...well, everything changed.  


As I look back on 2024, it’s incredible to think that we’ve now helped 100+ business owners: 

 - Grow their revenue. 

 - Shape their business plans and their goals for their businesses future. 

 - Gain the confidence they need to take their business to that next level. 

 - As well as meet and make friends with a whole bunch of other incredible business owners along the way. 


We've also helped our members get serious about the growth of their businesses and focus on their 'big rocks'. 


And the results... 


The average increase in revenue for our Boardroom members was 46% in 2023 and 67% in 2024! 


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Are You Ready?


Here we are! The start of a new year. 


I hope you had an incredible break and are excited about the year ahead and its opportunities for you and your business.  


Our office is back open and myself and the Ignite team are energised about another exciting year ahead.  


Have you ever wondered why this is the only time of the year that most are actually setting goals, thinking about the changes they’d like to make and what they want their future to look like? 


For some - it’s because it’s a new year, new me, this year will be different etc etc... 


But for most - it’s because you’ve actually had a decent holiday and you’ve actually allowed yourself to relax and think about something else apart from the looming deadlines every week and the pressure of having to deliver all the time.  


There’s a reason why your best ideas come to you when you’re in...

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Thank You + Merry Christmas

I wanted to reach out and say a huge thank you for an incredible year! 


Thank you for being part of our community and your ongoing support this year.  


It's been an amazing year - full of opportunities to learn, grow & develop as both an individual and a business owner. 


I'm really looking forward to the opportunities that lie ahead for you and your business in the new year. 


We'll be taking our annual break over Christmas and the New Year. 


The office will be closed from Saturday 21st December (Sydney) through to Monday 6th January 2025, when we're back on deck all rested up, recharged, and ready to hit the ground running. 


Have an amazing Christmas break. Make sure you relax, have fun, connect properly and deeply with your family and loved ones and take time out for yourself. 


As a special thank you - I've included a link to a workbook below we created for our Boardroom members for you to...

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Our 2024 Client Results Are In!!

The results are in!! 


At the end of each year - we look at the results of our individual members.  


As well as Boardroom as a whole. 


And this year we smashed our records from 2023! 


For 2024, the total additional revenue added into our Boardroom members businesses was $6,813,441! 


Our Boardroom membership ROI was 13.5 x times their membership.  


And the average revenue increase per member was 67%!! 


I'm blown away by these results and I couldn't be prouder of our members this year.  


They've put the effort in and the results speak for themselves.  


This year we've also celebrated a bunch of business wins and milestones with our Boardroom members. 


For example: 


 - Armin, John, James & Haydn added $1.13M in revenue since January and grew by 77% over the year.  

 - Amanda & John grew from $1.2M to $2M in 10...

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Thou Shalt Build A Business That YOU Want

We’re here!! 


Commandment #10 for consultancy business owners.  


And this commandment is arguably the most important.  


Making sure you’re building a business that you actually want to build. 


And not a business based on what others want.  


Now as you grow, it’s natural to look around you.  


At what other business owners are doing and how they’re doing it.  


And it’s natural to look at them and tell yourself “that looks great how they’re running XYZ - I’m going to copy that”. 


But the 2 x big mistakes I often see with this approach is: 


 1) It isn’t right for you and how you want to run your business at all. 




 2) It’s not the right timing for where your business is at.  


People often blindly copy what others are doing or implement...

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Thou Shalt Delegate And Elevate

Ahh - one of my favourite topics.  




We all know we need to delegate right? 


So what gets in the way? 


From you delegating, getting help and elevating your role in the business? 


Today we’re exploring commandment #9 for consultancy business owners. 


Thou shalt delegate and elevate. 


Now as your business grows, your role shifts. 


From you doing all the work.  


To focusing on training and building a great team. 


So that they can do the work. 


Freeing you up to focus on bigger strategies and higher value actions in the business. 


But this can’t happen. 


If you don’t delegate.  


Now the single biggest unconscious driver I see preventing business owners from delegating more to others and getting help in their businesses is… 





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3 Steps To $5M+

The fear of the unknowns and the ‘what if’s’ can often be the biggest hindrance to growth and goal achievement.  


We simply get stuck (or too comfortable) at the level we’re at right now - because we don’t have a roadmap to follow to get us to that next level.  


But it doesn’t need to be like this.  


Everything in life has a roadmap if you look hard enough.  


Career progression, getting fit, building wealth etc. 


There is always a formula, a recipe, to hitting your goals and getting to the next level. 


And building your business is no different.  


There is absolutely a roadmap, a staged business growth approach, to growing your business. 


And if followed, means that you can confidently move through the steps and the stages and continue to grow and uplevel your business… 


…without falling into the trap...

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Thou Shalt Build A Business Around Your Strengths

Business is a game of many hats. 


Sales, marketing, winning work, delivery, leadership, people management, finance, strategy etc. 


It can be all consuming at times.  


And sometimes along the way of doing “all the things”. 


You forget about you.  


What you like, what you enjoy, what you’re really good at.  


Today we’re exploring commandment #8 for consultancy business owners. 


Thou shalt build a business around your strengths. 


At a basic and simplistic level - when you do what you enjoy and what you’re good at. 


Your energy, your output, the quality of your work and your enthusiasm - increases.  


And being honest with you - people WANT to be around someone like this.  


Both clients and team.  


And when you’re not doing those things. 


You get flat, tired, run down,...

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How To Have More Time

Most want more time back in their days to focus on and do the important work that will lead to growth. 


Time and not having enough of it is one of the biggest reasons I get told by business owners that they can’t focus on growth or bigger picture strategies right now.  


Or why they just need to wait 6 to 12 months for this busy period to be over & things are quieter, then they’ll have more time to focus.  


But honestly, it’s not about waiting until you have more time - because that will never come.  


If you’re doing your job right as a business owner - you will always be busy and there will always be things to sort out, fix or make better.  


(Until you hit Stage 3 of our business stages roadmap - Lifestyle Business Owner - more on that in another post). 


So it’s not about waiting for more time - it’s about creating more time.  



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How We Helped Steven 3X His Revenue

I was chatting with Steven recently and he’s just let me know… 


“I’m pretty stoked, my revenue increased over 300% for the year”. 




“I’m expecting my revenue to double for the new year”. 


How good is that! 


From being reactive and having no time capitalising on key opportunities and growing the business. 


When I met Steven he: 


Didn’t have the time to think about the longer term future of the business. 

Was working with not so great clients. 

Had been stuck in the same business position for the past three years. 


So we got to work. 


Together we worked on: 


Raising his prices and increasing his fees. 


Focusing on better clients with bigger fees. 


Building the team to support him growing. 


And now...  



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