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How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team

Created Specifically For Engineering Consultancies

Build a high performing engineering team that generates incredible profits & frees you up to focus on strategy, direction & the high-growth activities that will move the needle the most & make the biggest difference


The Key To Great Client Relationships

This week I ran a really simple but effective exercise with my clients in my coaching programs. 

Now the exercise only took about 20 minutes, but it was incredibly powerful and gave my clients some key insights into how to build, develop and deepen their relationships with their key clients. 

Let me explain.

You see, everyone is so busy at the moment. Most people I’m talking to have work coming out of their ears!!

The big opportunity I see right now is developing your key client relationships. 

All of us are working on projects with key clients. All of us have key client relationships that we are honestly not nurturing properly at the moment. 

So, as I said, this exercise is really simple and I want to walk you through it right now.

The first step is to look at what it’s like right now for you and your key client relationships.

What are your clients pain points? What are they frustrated about right now? What are the things that are annoying them and the things that they’re stru...

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How To Build A Team That Performs

Hope you’re well. 

This week I was talking with a client who is super frustrated about how their team just aren't performing. 

They were really frustrated about the fact that their team members and the people around them are taking way longer to do things, are not hitting their deadlines and are just generally quite slow and not responsive.

They were their wits end. 

So if this is you, today I want to look at how do you take a team that's not performing well and build a team of high performing people around you.

The main concept I want to explore with you today is making sure that you’re leading your team and managing them in a way that suits their personality style. 

Let me explain. 

You see all of us have a unique personality style. Are unique set of personality traits. We all have ways that we like to be communicated to. We all have ways we like to be delegated to. We have strengths. We have weaknesses. We have types of work that we like doing and we have types of work that w...

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Increase Your Value To Increase Your Fees

So many consultants and contractors get caught up in pricing wars and feeling like they’ve got to be cheaper than everyone else. They feel like they’re going to lose the work or not be able to build a project pipeline if they raise their prices or are more expensive than their competitors.

Today I want to flip this viewpoint and this discussion on its head. 

I’ve been doing a lot of work recently with clients in my coaching programs around pricing, the value proposition and their positioning in the marketplace. 

You see if you get your positioning wrong in the marketplace, meaning that you've positioned yourself as a generalist, that you can do everything and that you’re all things to all people AND you don’t talk about the value that you add or how you solve your clients problems or how you deeply understand your clients world, then of course you have to be the cheapest!! 

But if you completely flipped this on its head and can change your thinking around your positioning and you s...

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Slow Down For Better Results

Today I want to explore with you why being busy means that you can't and won’t be a good leader… 

Big statement I know! 

You see, most of us are so conditioned to being busy. We think that being busy and ticking things off our to-do list, running around all day every day and getting to the end of every day exhausted is the way to achieving the success that we want to achieve. 

However, the issue with being busy all the time and trying to get things done all the time is that you're never slowing down and taking the time to think strategically about where your team or your business is going. 

Let me explain. 

By being busy all the time you are robbing yourself, your team and your business of your ability to think creatively, your ability to think strategically and your ability to set a vision for where your team and your business is going. 

So by being busy all the time and rushing around all the time and trying to fill your days full of busyness all the time you are actually sabot...

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How To Become A Strategic Leader

How often do you stop to question and critique where you are spending your time and energy during the week?

Do you know which aspects within your team or business that you do each and every day are your high dollar productive activities?

The only way you will be able to get your team or business humming is for you to get super focused on focusing your time, effort and energy on YOUR high dollar productive activities and the aspects that move the needle the most. 

In today's video I walk you through how to move into a strategic leadership role and the steps required to get you there.

If you want to learn more, follow the link below to watch the video. 

Click Here  to watch now. 

Josh ‘Delegate’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for engineering leaders and business owners
    It’s our new Facebook community where engineering leaders and business owners are learning the strategies
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How To Build A Team That Succeeds

This week I was talking with a client who was struggling with feelings of overwhelm and feeling like they just didn’t have the time in their days and weeks to get everything done.

As we started to explore this, it became super evident that:

  • They were trying to do EVERYTHING themselves.
  • They were worried about what their team would think of them if they asked for help. 

Sound familiar? 

As we dug further into this sense of overwhelm, we uncovered that they were really worried that if they asked for help their team around them:

  • Would think less of them.
  • Would judge them for admitting they needed help with something.
  • Would think they weren’t technically competent is they were asking questions or asking for help.

Here’s the thing - as my business coach Taki says:

“If you want to go fast - go alone. If you want to go far - go together.”

Meaning - sure, you can do things on your own, never asking for help and doing the lone wolf thing. And sure - you might be able to go fa...

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The Real Reason You Procrastinate

Procrastination is single-handedly the biggest productivity and goal achieving killer. 

Do you find yourself regularly doing things that you KNOW aren’t really that important? 

Do you even catch yourself, acknowledge what you're doing isn’t that important - but keep doing it anyway??!! 

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself: 

 "I know this isn't that important - so why am I doing it?"

 "What's the REAL reason I'm procrastinating here?"

This week I explored with my clients on our coaching call the real and underlying reasons why you ACTUALLY procrastinate. 

Think about it for yourself - what do you do when you're procrastinating? 

Some of the answers from my clients on the coaching call to this question:

  • Eating / snacking.
  • Getting another coffee.
  • Mindlessly responding to or cleaning up emails.
  • Talking to colleagues about things that just aren’t important.
  • Surfing!!

Then we got to the heart of what is REALLY going on when I asked WHY? 

Some of the response...

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Stop Competing On Price

Do you always feel like you’re competing on price? 

Do you feel like you are always losing business to someone else because they are undercutting your fees and clients are just going with the cheapest price? 

The reality is that you are always going to be competing with everyone else and fighting for work based on fees and pricing if you don’t narrow down your focus. 

In today's video I will walk you through why it is SO important to have a “Niche” in the marketplace which allows you to position you, your team and your business strongly and not be a “Generalist” (cheap and all things to all people).

If you want to learn more, follow the link below to watch the video. 

Click Here  to watch now

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for engineering leaders and business owners
    It’s our new Facebook community where engineering leaders and business owners are learning the strategies and lead
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The Issue With Cutting Your Fees

This week on our group coaching call, one of my clients asked the question: 

"I'm going into a meeting with a client this afternoon and I know he is going to ask me to cut my fees - what should I do?".....

.....who else has been in a similar situation here?? 

Off the back of this question, we had a great discussion with the whole coaching group as this is an incredibly common occurrence in our industry. 

Everyone left the call with a lot to think about!

Here is a summary of the main issues with you cutting your fees:

1) Lost Opportunity Cost

Before you agree to drop your fees or your project costs and do the project for love and no profit margin at all.....

Ask yourself - "What’s my lost opportunity cost here?"

Meaning, if I say yes and do this project for cheap and take up my time and my teams time on a project that's not going to make any money at all - what else could I or my team be working on that could actually make more money or create a better opportunity? 

Ask yourse...

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Expectation vs Reality

Do you feel like you are constantly missing the mark with your clients? 

Do you always feel on the back foot even when you think you've done a good job? 

In today's video I would like to walk you through the concept of expectation vs. reality. 

Today I want help you address this issue and help you turn your clients into raving fans of you, your team and your business! 

Click Here  to watch now.

Josh ‘Expectation vs Reality’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for engineering leaders and business owners
    It’s our new Facebook community where engineering leaders and business owners are learning the strategies and leadership skills to step up and thrive right now – Click Here to join
  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team”
    Learn the skills to get the most out of the people around you. Build a high performing engineerin
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