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How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team

Created Specifically For Engineering Consultancies

Build a high performing engineering team that generates incredible profits & frees you up to focus on strategy, direction & the high-growth activities that will move the needle the most & make the biggest difference


What Are Your 3 Big Rocks?

Today I want to talk to you about a really simple concept that helps my clients set their day up for a win. 

It’s a really simple and implementable strategy that ensures you are always focusing on the tasks and priorities that will move the needle the most for you, your team and your business. 

I’ll also explore with you why people don’t / won’t do this, and it has a lot to do with them secretly enjoying being stuck in a stressed out and overwhelmed state. 





Hello everyone, Josh here. Hope you're having an incredible day 

Now in today's video, I want to ask you - what are your three big rocks?

Now, I use this teaching concept a lot with my engineering coaching clients and it really helps them set up their day for a win. And you know, I'll talk a little bit about the time management element of it, but really want to talk to you about - well, why don't...

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The Best Business Development Strategy

How incredible does it feel when you land a new big client or project? It feels great right!!

You’ve often spent months (or sometimes years) investing your time, effort and energy in bringing this client or project over the line.

But to be honest with you, it’s not the greatest business development strategy out there. It takes a lot of time and energy, pulls you away from leading your team and your business and can often take months or years before anything comes to fruition.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love it when my clients land new clients because they are so excited that their efforts have paid off, it often means exciting things for their team and business and every growing team or business needs an element of winning new work from new clients in their BD strategy.

Today I want to explore with you the less sexy and often unsung hero of business development...retaining existing clients.

Once the incredible amount of effort has been invested in winning a new...

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How To Guarantee A Constant Pipeline Of Work

Today I want to explore with you why you might be letting go of and not spending enough time in the strategic, big picture thinking parts of your personality and sacrificing this to spend time in the ‘business-as-usual’ day to day activities.

My challenge to my clients who are engineering team leaders, business owners and the big picture thinkers in these organisations, is if you're not consciously creating the space and the time for you to get out of the office or to go somewhere to think big picture and to think strategically, what do you think that's going to do to the pipeline of work? What do you think that's going to do to the team underneath you? Are you ensuring that all of those people have jobs or have work to go on with in six or 12 months’ time?

And when you can reframe it like that, they're like, “Oh, yeah, I get it.”




Hi everyone, Josh here.

Now today in today's video, I...

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The Unspoken Skill Of High Performing Leaders

Becoming a high performing engineer and leader is absolutely critical to you accelerating your career, ensuring there is work for your team and ensuring that your business and the company you work for prospers. But how do you do it? How do you become a high performing engineer?

Today, I want to give you my take or my spin on how you can start to take the action towards becoming a high performing leader and engineer.









Hi everyone, Josh here.

In today's video I want to explore with you how you can start taking the action towards becoming high-performing leader and engineer in the engineering industry.

Now, high performing or high performance is a bit of a buzz word at the moment. So many people are teaching it, talking about it.

Becoming a high performing engineer and leader is absolutely critical to you accelerating your career, ensuring there is work for your team and ensuring that...

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Why The Engineering Industry Needs More Of You Being Uniquely You



Today, I want to talk to you about why the engineering industry needs more of you.

 Now, so many of the engineers and leaders that I work with in my coaching and mentoring programs feel like they need to be somebody different to succeed in the engineering industry and to be accepted.

 And when you start to explore with them that they have unique skill sets, that they have unique strengths that only they have and that they should really be focusing on that and not worrying what everyone else is doing, that's when you see the light bulb go on for them. Because they have recognised that they have spent so much effort and energy trying to be somebody they’re not.

So, my hope for you in today’s post is that you realise that the engineering industry needs more of you being uniquely you.





 Hello, Josh here.

Today, I want to talk to you about why the engineering industry needs...

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How To Deal With Burnout & Overwhelm

Today I want to talk to you about burnout.

So many of the leaders that I'm working with in engineering businesses ands o many of my engineering coaching clients are suffering from burnout and they're really overwhelmed because they just don't know what to do. They don't how to manage themselves to deal with this overwhelm and this burnout that they're experiencing.

You might be suffering from burnout or feeling overwhelmed about your work load and all the things you have to do. So, in today's post I really want to highlight to you why you might be experiencing burnout and some things you can do to start to alleviate what you're going through.





Hello everyone, Josh here.

Today's video I want to talk to you about burnout. So many of the leaders that I'm working with in engineering businesses so many of my engineering coaching clients are suffering from burnout and they're really overwhelmed because they don't...

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The Missing Ingredient (and BS) In 'Manifesting Money'

There are so many trainings, quotes and coaches out there that repeatedly teach that your ‘thoughts create your reality’. And whilst this is somewhat true, it misses a whole component of what it takes to attract more money in.

You cannot simply think ‘I want a million dollars’ and it will fall in your lap after a month of continuous affirmations, otherwise we would all be rich.

And I have got to tell you, it frustrates me hearing it!

The only way to attract more of what you want in is thoughts + action = attraction.

And to be honest with you, it takes a tonne of clarity, insight and awareness to be able to home in on what it is that you are thinking and what it is you are doing that is counteracting your efforts in wanting more.

Here is an example of a client I have worked with, which exemplifies this so well:

  • I have had a client that started making $100k more than they were when we started. But, the more the made, it seemed like they still never had...
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Why Earning What You’re REALLY Worth Is More Important Than You Think

Making good money is awesome. When you make really good money you’re able to buy yourself and your family incredible experiences. You’re able to show your children amazing parts of the world and open their eyes to the vastness and richness the world has to offer. You’re able to dote on and pamper your loved ones (if that’s important to you). 

You’re able to choose how you want to live, how much you work (or whether you work at all) - so many more doors are open to you.

You’re also able to give back to the world and the community around you. When you go out for nice meals, you’re helping the owner of the restaurant keep their restaurant open and to keep their staff employed. When you go on overseas trips and have incredible experiences - think of all the people that you support through you spending your money.

With so many upsides and positives to being wealthy and abundant - why is money the number one pattern and issue I work with my...

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Your Self Worth Equals Your Net Worth

How many of us have had goals that are monetary? The majority of us have. Because money represents a host of different things. Security, safety, comfort, choices, freedom, leadership, moving up etc. It fuels us to move forward and create a different life.

Whether or not you agree with it, money is important to us, it makes the world go around, it is necessary.

What isn’t taught loudly or readily enough is the fact that how much you earn can a lot of the time correlate directly to how you feel about yourself, how much you believe you are worth. You will have categorised yourself into a certain bucket in life of where you believe you fit.

 Take a story of two boys. One boy grew up with an alcoholic father. Last night he saw his back door broken in and the window smashed. He goes to school not washed the next day. He sits next to a boy smiling, happy, clean, clothes ironed. Growing up he automatically deems himself as ‘second class’, he is not worth as much as...

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What's Your Money Mindset?

Are you in control of how much money you earn? 

How long and how hard have you tried to be in a new financial position without any success? 

One of the leading topics that comes through the door with almost every client we work with is money. How to earn more, be more in control, feel more satisfied and really fulfil individual wealth potential. In every case our clients have tried to get to a new financial outcome on their own but can’t seem to get there. They keep ending back at square one.

This is where we come in.

What we want to bring to your awareness right now is one aspect of money or wealth creation mindset that you can take away and really think about. Hopefully it will shed some light on WHY you are a certain way with money. Hopefully it will help you understand what causes you to take the actions that you do when it comes to money - without you even KNOWING it. 

What we want you to focus in on is what you HEARD about money as a child and the types of...

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