The hidden trap holding back your growth (and happiness)
I had a massive shift this week - and I think it can help you too
I was working with my mindset coach
(yes, coaches have coaches – I have two in fact)
Lately, I’d been feeling like nothing was ever enough
That no achievement or success measured up
And it was creating a heap of stress and frustration in me
I found myself getting angry when things didn’t go as planned
I wasn’t a fun person to be around (just ask my wife!)
Then my coach helped me see something that changed everything
I'd been comparing myself to others
Their success, wealth, how they lived their life
And no matter what I did, or achieved
I was never going to be enough to those I was comparing myself against
But what I didn't realise (that my coach helped me see)
Is that these people I was comparing myself against
Have wildly different VALUES to me
Their values are not wrong
They're just different to mine
They have a different focus and priorities in life
I was measuring my wins against people who weren’t even playing the same game as me
And once I realised this, everything shifted
I sat down and worked out my values
What's core and true FOR ME
And as long as I'm living in accordance with these values
That's all that matters
As long as I'm getting better each day, week and month
When I compare myself against MYSELF
That's all that matters
It's easy to get caught up in the comparison game
But honestly, it's not serving you
Hope this helps.
To your success,
PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:
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