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How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team

Created Specifically For Engineering Consultancies

Build a high performing engineering team that generates incredible profits & frees you up to focus on strategy, direction & the high-growth activities that will move the needle the most & make the biggest difference


A Focus On Revenue

I hope you’re having a great start to your week. 


I’m currently having an espresso in the park out of my favourite red espresso cup. 


My family think I’m weird - I take this cup wherever I go.  


It’s school holidays and I’m spending the day with our kids and some of their friends.  


Indoor trampoline play centre, park action, then home for a movie.  


Pretty fun day really.  


The weather is spectacular as well.  


Incredible winters day. Sun, blue sky, crisp air. 


So now that you’re all caught up on personal front. 


A quick update on the types of emails and trainings you can expect landing in your inbox this month. 


This month - we’re going to focusing in on revenue. 


We’re going to be looking at the different ways to increase your revenue. 


And the different strategies to create revenue generation opportunities. 


There will be a mixture of learning and strategies to up-level your thinking in terms of what’s possible for the revenue gro...

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Download - How To Make More Profit On Your Projects

Profit is the lifeblood of any business.  


As a consulting business – you shouldn’t be settling for anything less than 30% net profit.  


And if you want to make more profit in your business – focus on this one area… 


…focus on project delivery.  


Which is why I created a full project delivery checklist.  


That helps you deliver incredible projects – every, single, time.  


This is a complete, step by step, project delivery process.  


That ensures you set your projects up for success. 


And you deliver incredible projects for your clients - every time.  


And I'm giving away this checklist - for free.  


Follow this link to download now >> 



In this checklist you'll find a complete process for: 


👉 Mapping out how you want your projects delivered.  


👉 Understanding your clients wants and needs.  


👉 The critical elements to consider on each project - so they don't get ...

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How To Improve Team Efficiencies


Is your revenue OK, but profit margins suck? 


Can’t work out why there’s no money left over each month? 


It’s probably your team’s efficiencies. 


Team are great.  


They’re the only way you’re going to grow. 


They’re the only way you’re going to take on bigger and better clients. 


But if they’re not performing - it’s the quickest way to bankruptcy. 


A poor performing team can very quickly chew through any cash reserves. 


A poor performing team will happily rack up hours against projects that don’t have the budget. 


If profit is low - team performance is the first thing I look at. 


The good news is - it’s also really easy to fix. 


Poor team performance is a lack of structure and direction. 


Think of leading your team like 10 pin bowling… 


…but with bumpers on.  


Your team need autonomy - but they also need to know how things get done.  


They need the bumpers to guide them. 


So they don’t go off track and into the gutter. ...

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This Month On The Podcast

I hope you’re having a great week. 


Here we are in the new financial year! 


In case you missed it, here’s what we covered on the podcast over the last month: 


How To Build A High Performing Team Culture 


In this episode we explore: 

 - The steps to building a high-performance team.  

 - How to run a structured performance review process that gets your staff energised. 

 - How to lead your team in a way that motivates them to stay, grow and achieve more. 


Follow the links below to check out this episode: 


Click here for the podcast episode. 


Click here to watch the video. 




The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Bringing In Shareholders 


In this episode we explore: 

 - How shareholders can help you grow exponentially.  

 - How to identify who is the right shareholder for your business.  

 - The step-by-step process on how to bring on shareholders.  


Follow the links below to check out this episode: 


Click here for the pod...

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2 Things Every Business Owner Should Do

When it comes to growing your business - are you all in? 


When it comes to building a life that you TRULY want - are you all in? 


Or is this a ‘sometimes’ and ‘when you feel like it’ kinda situation? 


There are only 2 x things that will help you build the life you want - Effort & Consistency . 


Now I’m not talking about waking up at 4am, being ‘hardcore’ and working 60 - 80hr weeks. 


I’m not about that at all.  


In fact - I’d rather you work less because you’ve built a really sustainable business. 


A business that support you having more time. 


More time for the things that are most important to you. 


I’m talking about the level of commitment you have to building this 👆life? 


I’m talking about the level of commitment you have to building a really successful business. 


A business that gives you the money, the profit and the free time you need and want. 


I’m talking about the level of commitment you have to spending time with the people mos...

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Cheaper Fees Won’t Build The Business You Want

I can’t stand the race to the bottom. 


It actually angers me that there are clients out there that ask you to cut your fees. 


That barter you off against other consultants. 


Just so they can save a few thousand bucks. 


But as an industry - we allow this. 


We have given in to the race to the bottom concept. 


Just so we can win a project or secure a forward pipeline. 


But what’s the point if you’re making no profit margin? 


Cheaper fee projects actually put more stress on your business. 


More stress on your team.  


And more pressure on you to keep delivering work for these cheaper fees. 


Cheaper fee clients are also typically more needy and suck up your time. 


They take you away from being able to focus on higher value clients and higher value projects. 


So I ask you - what’s the point? 


Imagine if, as an industry, we took a stand. 


Said no to fee cutting. 


And instead stood in our power and charged what we’re worth? 



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How we helped Steven 3X his revenue

I was chatting with Steven recently and he’s just let me know…  

“I’m pretty stoked my revenue increased over 300% for the year”. 


“I’m expecting my revenue to double for the new year”. 

How good is that! 


From being reactive and having no time capitalising on key opportunities and growing the business. 


When I met Steven he: 

Didn’t have the time to think about the longer term future of the business. 

Was working with not so great clients. 

Had been stuck in the same business position for the past three years. 


So we got to work. 


Together we worked on: 

Raising his prices and increasing his fees. 

Focusing on better clients with bigger fees. 

Building the team to support him growing. 


And now...  

He’s celebrating a 3X in revenue from this time last year. 

And is looking forward to a great year ahead. 

We could not be prouder of the results Steven has achieved and he’s only getting warmed up. 

So if you’d like to increase revenue, learn ...

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Why your team leaders aren’t effective

Got a leadership team in place, but you’re still doing everything?  

You’ve gone to the effort to elevate or hire team leaders.  

Shouldn’t they be doing more? 


You’re not alone. 


This is pretty typical as you move from you doing everything, to leveraging team. 

It’s a process that every business owner goes through. 

You’ve just got a solid case of trust, letting go and can’t delegate-itist! 


Let’s be real for a second. 


You’ve built your business to this point doing everything yourself. 

You know how everything is done. 

And you like the way you do things.  


Your clients keep coming back to you because of, well, you!  

But to grow past this point - you need your team leaders to take over.  

They need to start running things so you can elevate yourself. 

This requires you to let go of your vice-like grip on how everything gets done. 

This requires you to trust the leaders you’ve put in place. 


This next level for you requires your team leaders to be ru...

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How to get past $2M

Typically at around the $2M mark your effectiveness as the business owner starts to drop. 

You’ve got a few team leaders in place. 

You’re probably still leading or running a few projects. 

And you probably still have your fingers in every part of the business. 

But let’s face it, there’s only so much you can get done in a day. 

And if you keep going the way you’re going - something will break or fall apart. 

If you keep trying to be across everything - then you’re going to miss something critical. 


If you want to keep growing. 

And focus more on business strategy and less on the day to day. 

Then a smart next move would be to bring on a GM into your business. 

They could be someone you elevate from a technical role already in your business. 


They could be an external hire with specific GM experience. 

My personal experience from my consulting days - the best GM we ever had wasn’t from the industry at all. 

He had a business background, had run the operations of anot...

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You Can’t Be Nice All The Time

As humans we like to be liked. 

We like people saying nice things about us and we really don’t like it when people don’t like us or have negative things to say about us. 


We typically don't like conflict and avoid situations where 'real talk' or 'saying hard things' is required.  

But as a business owner, you have to let go of your need to be liked. 

It's 100% not serving you and it's causing you and your business more damage than you realise.  

It's often thought that the best way to create a good culture in your business is to be the nice guy or nice girl. 


To let your staff have fun & never push them outside of their comfort zone, for fear that they won't like working with you anymore and that they’ll leave you. 

This is the completely wrong way to think about creating great culture and being a great business leader. 

To create a great business that generates excellent revenue and profit, to build a great culture, to build a high performing team - you need to do it dif...

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