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Upgrade Your Identity

Earlier this week we talked about how to get what you want. 


And build a life and a business through effort and consistency. 


Today I want to explore with you. 


Why you’ll never hit your goals… 


Until you upgrade your identity. 


Last week I was doing some long term goal setting. 


There was a financial goal that I’ve been pursuing for ages. 


But haven’t hit yet. 


And I realised that my identity was tied to my current reality and my safety net. 


Not the stretch financial goal I’d set a year ago. 


I was stuck in my current identity. 


There’s a concept that we teach in Boardroom. 


That a business will never outgrow its founder. 


And until the founder upgrades their identity. 


The business will stay stuck at that level. 


For example - if you’re at $2M revenue right now and really want to grow.  


But you’re still involved in all the projects, everything still needs to come through you and you’re still wearing all the hats in the business.  


Then that’s your current identity. 


And until you do the work on yourself to shift your identity to a $3M per year business owner. 


A business owner that has a competent leadership team in place, who doesn’t get involved in projects, and spends most of their week focusing on big picture. 


Then your business growth will stall at the $2M mark.  


So have a look right now at your life and business. 


What is your current identity? 


What goals are you pursuing? 


Where do you need to let go of your current identity. 


And step into an upgraded version of you - to grow to that next level? 


Because until make this intentional shift. 


You’ll stay where you are. 


And if you’d like some help growing and upgrading your life and business. 


More revenue. More profit. More growth. 


We might be able to help.  


Book in a Business Growth Call and let’s have a chat. 


Link to book here 👉 Click Here


To your success. 




PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now: 


  1.  Looking to grow your consultancy? Our FREE weekly podcast is packed with the latest tips, tricks, and strategies for business owners in engineering, town planning, surveying, and architecture. Learn how to run a more efficient business and scale successfully – no fluff, just actionable and practical advice from someone who grew a consultancy to $30M and exited successfully– Click Here to listen & subscribe now! 


  1.  Download our free Business Plan template that will help you build out your 12 Month Business Plan & allow you to build your business in a consistent and step by step manner – Click Here to download now 


  1.  Book a 15-minute Business Growth Call. A short, no-obligation catch up where we can touch base and really look at where you are now, where you want to be, and then build a personalised plan together for how to get you there – Click Here


  1. Join us! We run a thriving community and training group for engineering consultancy business owners. In 2023, our members on average grew their revenue by 46%. If you'd like the same results or better - just send me an email at [email protected] with the word “PROGRAM” and I’ll get you some more information. 

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