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How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team

Created Specifically For Engineering Consultancies

Build a high performing engineering team that generates incredible profits & frees you up to focus on strategy, direction & the high-growth activities that will move the needle the most & make the biggest difference


Do You Deeply Understand Your Client's World?

For most in the engineering and construction industry at the moment - things are hectic!

There is plenty of work on and the biggest issues at the moment are workload, resourcing and keeping up with clients and how fast they want to go right now.

A big frustration for most at the moment is managing their clients, dealing with tight deadlines and juggling the constant workload issues (as well as the team overwhelm and burnout that comes with this). 

Today I want to explore with you 2 areas that can make a massive difference to these very real issues you are facing at the moment.

1) Deeply Understand Your Clients World 

A lot of client related issues stem from not taking the time to deeply understand your clients world. 

Slow down and take the time to talk to them and understand what their drivers are. 

Who do they report to?

What are the issues and pressures they are facing at the moment? 

How could you make their lives easier through a tweaking of your delivery program on their...

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Is Your Achiever Running You Into The Ground?

Do you constantly get to the end of each day or week feeling tired, burnt out, flat, unmotivated and like you’ve got no energy left to give to the other parts of your life? 

If yes – then this is a really good indication that the achiever part of your personality is running you into the ground. 

In today’s video we explore this part of your personality from both viewpoints – both functional and dysfunctional. 

You need this part of your personality to be on fire - keeping you accountable, ensuring that you’re ticking things off your to-do list and keeping things moving forward if you’re going to be successful at leading and growing your team and your business. 

However, if you let this part of your personality run your days, your weeks and your life in general – then you’re in trouble… this can lead to burn out, overwhelm and a complete imbalance with the other (just as important) parts of your life. 

If you want to learn more on this topic, follow the link below to watch the ...

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How To Avoid Overwhelm

In this week’s group coaching calls for members of my 10 week and Boardroom programs - we explored the traits of the people pleasing part of your personality. 

We explored as a group the benefits as well as the limitations of this part of your personality. 

It was a really interactive session and this is honestly one of the main parts of your personality that I see in my coaching work that leads to burn out, overwhelm and not enjoying the work you do.

Some of the benefits we explored of the people pleasing part of your personality:

  • Allows you to be genuine and approachable.
  • Ensures you do great work for your clients.
  • Helps your team and your clients to like you and enjoy doing business with you.
  • Helps you develop rapport and great relationships with those around you.
  • Ensures good repeat business from your existing clients.

PS - mind blown moment!! We also explored how this part of your personality can help you be incredible at marketing, sales and BD as it helps potential ...

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Step Into The Uncomfortable

Question for you….. 

Do you step into and embrace uncomfortable experiences? Or do you pull back?

As human beings, we are conditioned to move away from things that stress us. We unconsciously and unknowingly pull back from stepping into uncomfortable situations. 

Today I would like to challenge you to become aware of when you are pulling back from situations or experiences that make you uncomfortable - and do the opposite - lean in! 

Be OK being uncomfortable. That's where the growth is! 

If you want to learn more on this topic, follow the link below to watch the video. 

Click Here  to watch now. 

Josh ‘Get Uncomfortable’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for engineering leaders and business owners
    It’s our new Facebook community where engineering leaders and business owners are learning the strategies and leadership skills to step up and thrive right now – Click Here to jo
  2. ...
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Start Doing, Stop Doing

In a recent group coaching session in my 10 week & Boardroom programs, we were talking priorities and how to use your time effectively. 

As leaders and business owners, your time is precious and I'm sure there are SO many things you could be doing with your time and your days. 

If you want to get serious about growing your team and your business, generating more revenue and being successful as a leader in ways that are meaningful to you - then you have to get serious about where you are spending your time.

No, this isn't another time management pep-talk. This is about you and I getting serious with each other for a second and getting you to take full and complete responsibility for your time and where you are directing your effort and energy. 

I'd like you to get out a pen and paper and spend 5 minutes writing down your answers to the following:

  • Start Doing - what should I start doing in my role to move the needle more?
  • Stop Doing - what should I stop doing that is currently ge
  • ...
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How To Be An Exceptional Leader

Leadership is a particularly interesting topic.

Most of the leaders and business owners I work with really want to be better leaders. 

They want to inspire the team of people around them.

They want to be able to lead with confidence. 

They want the skills to be able to go into any situation and know they will get a good outcome.

A lot of leaders and business owners I work with also really feel like they have to completely overhaul and fundamentally change who they are to be exceptional leaders. 

This is simply not true. 

Everyone has the ability to be a great leader and you don't necessarily need the job title or status or to be in charge of a team of people to turn up every day and to lead with confidence and authenticity. 

There are two areas I want to explore with you today that will allow you to dramatically improve your leadership skills. 

1) Be Humble 

People naturally gravitate to and respect leaders who are humble. 

Be willing to admit when you don't know something. ...

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You Need to Stand Out To Win Work

Do you get excited about standing out from the crowd? 

Does your energy go up when you're thinking about strategies to positioning yourself, your team and your business apart from your competitors to win work and gain market share? 

Or does the thought of standing out make you uncomfortable? 

The reality is that you need to stand out to win more work! 

In today's video I explore why it’s so important for you to be seen by your potential future clients and the value that you could be adding to their world if they worked with you.

If you want to learn more on this topic, follow the link below to watch the video. 

Click Here  to watch now.

Josh ‘Stand Out’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for engineering leaders and business owners
    It’s our new Facebook community where engineering leaders and business owners are learning the strategies and leadership skills to step up and thr
  2. ...
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Webinar Replay: Your First Quarter Focus

Wow! What a great webinar this week! 

It was great to see so many of you on the call.

A few of the key takeaways:

  • LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful tool that allows you to connect and engage with your Perfect Future Client and to generate fantastic opportunities if you leverage the platform correctly.
  • The easiest way to grow your team and business is to invest heavily in your current client relationships ensuring you increase your repeat business and revenue.
  • Your team and your business won't grow if you keep getting stuck in the 'doing' and the day-to-day. Look for ways to focus on the activities that actually move the needle and then delegate the rest.

If you weren’t able to make the webinar - here’s a copy of webinar recording. 

If you attended live you could even watch it again!

Click here to watch 

I’ll make this available until the end of the week. 

As I mentioned on the call, I am launching a new 10 Week Program next month which is designed to help you focus on wi...

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Are You All In?

Recently I realised there were a few areas of my life and in business where I wasn't 'all in' - meaning areas where I wasn't 100% committed to what I was doing, the outcomes I was looking to achieve and the effort I was putting in. 

I also realised that these were the areas of my life and business that I wasn't get great results in. And because I wasn't getting great results or outcomes, this just further added to my attitude of "why bother" & "there's no point" & "why put effort in here, when the outcomes aren't paying off".

But I also realised that these areas where I wasn't getting great results was actually my choice!

I wasn't putting the effort into these areas of my life - so how could I expect the results to be stellar? 

So I decided to make a commitment to myself, my family and my business - to be 'all in' in every facet of my life. 

When I'm with my wife and my kids - I'm all in! I'm right there, in the moment playing, engaging and being open and present. 

When I'm with ...

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What You Focus On Grows

What you focus on – GROWS! 

Where you put your effort, attention and energy – that’s the areas where you’ll get the traction and results.

If you focus on lack, negativity, things going wrong, bad clients, terrible fees and a poor performing team – well guess what, that’s what you’ll get! 

In today's video I explore the 3 core areas of Clients, Team and Revenue and how if you really focus on getting better in these 3 areas in your team and business, then guess what you’ll start to get more of? 

You guessed it. More Clients, a well-oiled and high performing Team and more Revenue! 

If you want to learn more on this topic, follow the link below to watch the video. 

Click Here to watch now. 

Josh ‘Where’s Your Focus’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for engineering leaders and business owners
    It’s our new Facebook community where engineering leaders and business owners are lear
  2. ...
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