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How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team

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Why Growth Is Hard

Today I want to explore with you why growth, meaning your personal growth as a leader or business owner as well as growing your team and growing your business, can feel so hard at times. 

You see, we as human beings are naturally wired to want to stay and feel safe. We typically don’t like to feel uncomfortable and we typically don’t like to get outside of our comfort zone. 

However, all human beings have what I call a 'growth urge'. Meaning the innate or inbuilt urge to want to grow, to want to do better, to want to be better, to want to be more successful, to grow a really profitable team or business etc. - you get me. 

And so, as human beings, we are constantly battling this internal struggle and this internal conflict between wanting to feel comfortable and staying safe versus getting uncomfortable and growing, learning and evolving. 

So, as we go to learn a new skill, as we go to chase new and bigger better clients, as we go to grow our team or...

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How To Get Better At Delegation

Are you holding onto tasks that you KNOW you should be giving to others, way longer than you should? 

As you’re growing your team and your business – the reality is that you simply can’t do everything. 

If you want to build a really successful team or business. If you want to grow, if you want more revenue and more profit, if you want more clients – then you need to delegate. 

If you want to learn more, follow the link below to watch the video. 

Click Here to watch now. 

Josh ‘Delegate’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for engineering leaders and business owners
    It’s our new Facebook community where engineering leaders and business owners are learning the strategies and leadership skills to step up and thrive right now – Click Here to join
  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To...
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Your 80/20 Rule For Getting β€˜Stuff’ Done

Would you like to know how to get more done in your days and weeks?

Do you want to learn to do things differently and enable the growth of your team and business in the process? 

In today’s video, I want to help you explore something new, something different….a concept I call ‘Your 80/20 Rule For Getting Stuff Done. 

If you want to learn more, follow the link below to watch the video. 

Click Here  to watch now. 

Josh ’80/20 Rule’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for engineering leaders and business owners
    It’s our new Facebook community where engineering leaders and business owners are learning the strategies and leadership skills to step up and thrive right now – Click Here to join
  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering...
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Why Frustration Is A Good Thing

Today I want to explore with you why frustration and being frustrated is a good thing.

All of us as leaders, business owners and achievers are always striving. Always striving to do new things, to achieve more, to look at new strategies for winning work or for creating better client relationships, to lead our team better and in general just doing things more efficiently and better. 

Whenever we are trying new things, whenever we are looking to implement new systems or processes or strategies into our team or our business, or really anything new that we try to do - is us stepping outside of our comfort zone. 

And this drive within us for us to always be wanting to do more, achieve more, be better, and in general grow and learn - means that we are constantly stepping outside of our comfort zone. 

So today, I want to explore with you the place of frustration in this whole process. 

You see, we often get frustrated when we try new things. We often get frustrated when...

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The Never Ending Triangle

Hope you’re well. 

All of the work that I do with my clients in my coaching programs is based on three core pillars. These 3 pillars are called Your Growth Model. 

The first pillar that I work with my clients around is Attract. This is doing all the things that are going to help you win more work, help you attract better clients into your team or your business, generate more revenue and repeat business from your current clients and allow you to have more confidence in your project pipeline. 

The second pillar is Perform. In this pillar I work with my clients on the performance of their team and their business. Helping them improve their client relationships, getting their clients really happy with the work that they’re doing and turning their clients into what I call raving fans. We also work on their team performance - getting their team humming really nicely as well as looking at their leadership skills to ensure they are doing everything they possibly...

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When To Talk About Money

Today I want to explore with you when you should be talking about fees and getting paid for working with your clients. 

The simple answer is as soon as possible and as early as possible in the process. 

This week I was working with a client in my CLIENTS coaching program and they were in a bit of a situation with their client. 

You see - a whole bunch of work had been done on a project and they were then tasked with trying to get paid for the work that they had already done. 

Asking for money and trying to get paid for work once you’ve already started - or even worse once you finished - gets harder and harder the longer that you leave it.

A lot of the times we don’t like talking with our clients about fees and getting paid for work because we view it as an uncomfortable conversation and we don’t want our clients to not like us.

The simple fact of the matter is - if you don’t talk about fees and you don’t talk about getting paid for...

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Know Your Focus Points

This week I ran a process with my clients in my coaching program around getting really clear on the key focus points that they need to work on in the next 4 to 6 weeks to really make the biggest difference. 

My coaching framework is built around three core pillars being – 

Attract - meaning business development, winning work and attracting new clients.

Perform - being the performance of your team, the performance of yourself as a leader and developing amazing key client relationships.

Grow - meaning focusing on the activities that will grow your team, grow your business and elevate yourself into a truly strategic leadership role. 

So 3 x 3 works out to be nine core areas that are key focus points for helping my clients win in these core pillars of Attract, Perform & Grow.

The activity that I ran with my clients this week was looking at these nine core areas and scoring themselves honestly out of 10 as to how they’re going in these nine areas. 


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Your 80/20 Rule

 Today I want to explore with you a super interesting concept that I’ve been playing around with in my own life and in my own business. 

It’s called the 80 / 20 rule for getting ‘stuff’ done. 

This concept is all about being conscious, being intentional and accessing the appropriate energy and emotions within yourself to get done what you need to get done. 

Let me explain. 

You see most of us go about our days and our weeks not been hugely intentional with the energy, the state and the emotions that we’re in in order to get things done. Most of us stay in fairly comfortable emotions and a fairly comfortable state of being, acting, operating and behaving. We like being this way because it’s familiar to us.

And most of us, if we really analyse the energy and the emotions that we operate out of every day - it’s one of being nice to others, it’s one of been quite laid-back, it’s one of not wanting to do...

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How To Connect Deeply With Your Clients

Hey! Hope you’re well. 

I’m having a lot of conversations with leaders and business owners in the engineering and construction industry at the moment around how to create amazing client relationships. 

There are a lot of amazing tools, strategies and techniques that you can employ into your team or your business to create amazing client relationships, but there’s one thing that trumps everything else and that’s what I want to explore with you today. 

I want you to think about business for yourself right now. Who do you enjoy doing business with? Who do you like hanging out with from a business point of view? Who would you quickly, readily and easily refer work to? 

Are your answers people that you like? Are your answers people that you share values with? Are your answers people that you enjoy being around? 

I guarantee that you answered yes to all of the above. 

One of the easiest ways to develop exceptional client relationships,...

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Is Your Perfectionist Holding You Back?

Are you a perfectionist? Do you have perfectionist traits?

Engineers by nature have a deep desire to get things 100% correct and perfect. And don't get me wrong, this personality trait is completely functional and needed when it comes to de-risking a project, system or process. In fact the general population who use or are affected by the things you design and create WANT you to use your perfectionist so that nothing goes wrong! 

However, sometimes this perfectionist trait can cause friction within yourself as well as your clients and your team.

Let me explain. 

Have you ever had a client call you up and ask you to get your deliverables done more quickly? Or a client bring forward a project deadline by a week just because they can? Have you ever had a team member get frustrated with you that you're taking too long on the element that you're working on and it's delaying them getting started?

And when this happened, did you FEEL yourself getting frustrated, overwhelmed and...

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