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Be Fully Aware

Did you know that we have on average between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts every single day? That’s an average of 2,500 to 3,300 every hour!!

What’s even more alarming is that recent research suggests that of this insane amount of thoughts we all have every day - 80% of them are negative..... 


How the heck are we supposed to achieve our goals, create meaningful changes in our lives and grow into the person we are inspired to be when 80% of the thoughts we are having don’t support us living the life we are trying to create??!! 

I’ll tell you how.....this is where awareness of our thoughts and observing our mind comes into play. 

Being fully aware of the thoughts we are having each and every day, moment to moment means that we are able to catch ourselves when negative or limiting thoughts and beliefs arise in our mind and move them on without them creating a lasting imprint (and impact) in our brains.

When we are able to catch these negative and limiting thoughts, observe them and then consciously shift them into more positive and supportive thoughts - we are consciously creating a life based on in-the-moment decisions and choices - as opposed to unconsciously creating a life based on fearful and limiting thoughts and beliefs. 

We teach every single one of our clients these skills of awareness and observing their thoughts because we understand how paramount and fundamentally important it is to have this skill and ability if we are truly committed to living a life that is fully ours.

“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind”

Our repetitive and unconscious thoughts ABSOLUTELY shape our lives. They impact our health, physiology, wellbeing and success. The more awareness you can bring to your mind and your thoughts - the more you are setting yourself up for success and building the life you want.

And it all starts with this moment.....deciding that you want a different life and to live more consciously.

Even if you are able to become 10% more aware of the thoughts you are having every day – that’s 8,000 thoughts every day where you are creating the opportunity to shift them into positive, supportive and loving thoughts that will fuel you on your journey and allow you to create the life and the version of you that you are inspired to create.

Live Out Loud

Josh Stone   


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