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Become The Orchestra Conductor

One of the areas that a lot of my clients struggle with is building themselves into a purely strategic and high level leadership role, whereby they are the orchestra conductor of their team and business.

Successfully building yourself into this role means that you are responsible for the high level and long term vision of your team and your business. You are responsible for where you want to be taking your team and business and how you want to get there. 

To be truly successful in this role, you need to:

  • Have a really good handle on where the market sector that you play in is going in 6, 12 and 18 months’ time.
  • Be creating the time and space in your day to think creativity and strategically about your vision for the future of your team and business (hint - this can't happen at your desk or in the office).
  • Be talking to and connecting with existing customers and future potential customers that support you having a good solid pipeline of work in 6, 12 and 18 months’ time.

To be truly successful in this role, you CAN'T be:

  • Getting pulled into solving trivial issues and the day-to-day doing.
  • Doing everything for your team, your clients and your business.
  • All things to all people.

Most leaders and business owners know they want to (and need to) build themselves into this role for the future success of their team and business - but they really struggle with this.

So, if this is you and you’re struggling to build yourself (or allow yourself) into this role, today I want to address how you might potentially be holding yourself back.

  1. Be OK with delegation. You physically cannot do everything and you need to be delegating everything that is not in your Highest Dollar Productive Zone - meaning your zone of work that will add the most value and move the needle the most for your team and business.
  2. Let go of feeling guilty. Most leaders and business owners struggle with delegation and elevating themselves to this strategic leadership role - because they feel guilty and are worried about what others will think of them. If this is you, I want you to reframe this inside your mind right now - (1) by delegating work to others in your team, you are giving them the opportunity to learn something new and to grow and develop & (2) by delegating work to others in your team, you are ensuring that you are staying in your Highest Dollar Productive Zone which is the best thing for the future of your team and business.
  3. Leave the office. Staying in the office all day, every day will only ever ensure that you stay stuck in the day-to-day activities. By staying in the office, you are always at the beck and call of your team or your emails or your phone. If you want to really create the space for you to think strategically and creatively about the future direction of your team and business - you need to get out of the office and away from your desk. Go to a park, sit by some water, turn off your phone and allow the strategies and ideas to flow from pen to paper.

By adopting the above points and building yourself into a purely strategic and high level leadership role, you are future proofing the success of your team and your business.

Josh 'Orchestra Conductor' Stone 

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you build more PROFIT, FUN and FREEDOM into your engineering team and business: 

  1. Take our quiz to determine your unique leadership style

Answer a few questions and you’ll be sent a report which covers your strengths as a leader, areas for development and your unique skills for winning work and building a profitable and high performing engineering team – Click Here 

  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To Build A High Performing Engineering Team”

Learn the skills you need to know to get the most out of the team around you to be able to build a high performing and highly profitable engineering team – Click Here

  1. Book in a 15min Strategy Session

Let's work out a plan together on how to build more PROFIT, FUN & FREEDOM into your engineering team and business through generating more revenue, nailing client experience and relationships, building and then growing a high performing and highly profitable engineering team – Click Here

  1. Have me work with you and your team privately

If you’re serious about getting real results and you’d like me to work directly with you and your team to help you win more work ($1M plus), nail client experience and relationships, build and then grow a high performing and highly profitable engineering team... just send me an email at [email protected] and put “Private” in the subject line... tell me a little about your business, your role and your team and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!



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