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Clarity Equals Success

Today I want to explore with you an area that a lot of engineering business leaders and business owners aren't getting right at the moment.

Everyone is rushing around so busy, with a million things on their action list and just trying to get enough done to keep their head above water.  

Because of all the rushing - rushing to do BD, saying yes to everything, rushing to get projects done, rushing the delegation process to internal teams etc. - no-one is pausing long enough to get clarity on what it is that they're actually supposed to be doing and actually trying to achieve.

The problem with rushing and the problem with taking action without clarity - is that it leads to mistakes, it leads to rework, it leads to unhappy clients who may start looking elsewhere, it leads to wasted money and resources and it leads to not profitable projects - all of which is completely unsustainable.

If you're looking to thrive right now (which I know you are) then you need to be ensuring that you and your team are doing the complete opposite of the above.

You need to be taking the time to ensure that things aren't being rushed, that real thought is being put into what you and your team are doing, that rework isn’t being done, that your clients are happy with you and your team (because that leads to repeat business) and that everyone knows what everyone is doing to achieve the end result.

Now I'm not talking about slowing everything right down (because that’s how you lose clients and lose money on projects) - I'm talking about taking the time to get clarity on what it is your client wants, to get clarity on how you and your team will deliver the project and to get clarity on who is doing what.

Once you've got clarity - then you can go fast!

Once you've got clarity - then you can deliver with confidence.

The biggest barrier I see to people getting clarity - is that they're afraid of what others will think of them if they start asking questions to get the clarity they need. They're afraid of looking silly or not as intelligent if they start asking questions - so they stay quiet, make a whole bunch of assumptions and inevitably make mistakes. 

If that’s you (or someone on your team) you need to let go of this story or viewpoint - and be OK with needing to ask questions to get things clear in your own head.

Be OK with calling your client - "Hey, in the meeting the other day, you mentioned X - I'm not 100% clear on what you're after with this - can we talk about it for 5mins?"

Be OK with talking to your team - "Hey, I'm not super clear on what we're doing with this part of the project - do you think you could help me here?"

Clarity on what you're doing and why is critical to you thriving right now.

Josh 'Clarity' Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for leaders and business owners

It’s our Facebook community where leaders and business owners are learning the strategies and leadership skills to step up and thrive right now – Click Here to join

  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team”

Learn the skills to get the most out of the people around you. Build a high performing team that generates incredible profits and allows you to have more fun and to spend more time with the people you love – Click Here 

  1. Book in a Check In Session

This session is designed for you and I to touch base, to get to know each other a little better and to really look at where you are now, where you want to be and then we’ll make a plan together for how to get you there! – Click Here

  1. Join our Ignite 12 Week Program

Join our Ignite 12 Week Program designed to help you focus on the 3 x core areas of growing your team, your business and yourself in the process. Together we'll work on winning work, business development & client relationships. We'll look at strategies for team performance, project performance as well as your leadership skills to motivate and get the most from the people around you. We'll also focus on your growth as a leader, effective delegation to those around you and only focusing on the activities that move the needle and make the biggest difference. - Just send me an email at [email protected] with the word “PROGRAM” and I’ll get you some more information.


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