Today I want to talk to you about how to get better at delegation.
So many leaders and business owners that I’m talking to at the moment are so busy, so overwhelmed and have all this work on their plate.
They know that they could be doing more to steer the ship, to think strategically, to spend time on the actions that are actually going to grow their team and their business.
If only they could get more time in their weeks and delegate better.
When I was teaching this concept of delegation in my group coaching program this week and we were exploring all of the concepts and blocks around getting better at delegation, one of my amazing clients, Phil, had an incredible insight around delegation that he shared with the group.
Phil mentioned to the coaching group that he had been taught when he first stepped into a leadership role, that one of the greatest things that he would struggle with as he grew his team & his business would be delegation to the team and the people around him.
He was taught that when you delegate work or a task to someone else (that you're used to doing yourself), you have to be aware and conscious of the following:
Meaning that it will just be different to how you would have done it. It might not necessarily be wrong and it might still get the same outcome for the client, but it will just be different.
And that’s OK.
I think that's what holds so many good leaders and business owners back from delegating to their team more – fear of the work coming back to them being different to how they would have done it.
If you can go into thinking about delegation with the above in mind, you’ll really approach it with such a different mindset and ultimately be WAY more successful at delegating to your team and those around you.
Josh 'Delegate More' Stone
PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:
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