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How To Create High-Value Business Time

Here are 3 strategies to help you spend high-value time on your business - every single week. 


Time. It’s everyone’s most precious resource. 


You can’t create more of it. 


No matter how hard you try! 


And when the hours are gone - they’re gone. 


You make the mistake of thinking that the harder you work… 


…the more you’ll get done. 


And that’s true - to a point.  


But usually working harder is just ‘busy work’. 


Ticking smaller or short term tasks off the list. 


So you feel good about yourself.  


But deep inside, you know… 


…that you’re still running on the hamster wheel. 


Barely keeping up and running hard just to keep all the plates spinning. 


You know you’re not really spending high-value time on your business. 


So here are 3 strategies to help you actually spend high-value time on your business - every single week. 


 1) Save Your Mornings 


Too many get into the office and just start working. Answering emails, making calls, meeting with the team etc. 


Save your mornings for high-value work.  


Don’t do anything else until you’ve done an hour or two on big picture business ideas. 


Work from home or go to a cafe if you need to separate yourself from the office.  


 2) Say No 


It’s impossible to do everything.  


At some point you’ll need to choose - your priorities or other’s priorities. 


Hint - focusing on other’s priorities all the time will never build you the business you want.  


So practice saying no and setting boundaries. 


To create high-value time for yourself to focus on the business. 


 3) Set Up Your Ideal Week 


Sit down and map out your ideal week. 


Create pockets for doing work and create pockets for high-value time. 


So if your week goes pear shaped (which it typically does!)  


You know you already have time carved out for big picture work. 


AND - if you don’t change, you’ll continue to get the same results.  


So have a go at implementing the above and let me know how you go. 


Lastly - we have 8 x guest spots left to attend our Boardroom client business growth workshop at the end of August. 


So if you’d like to join us and spend some time working on the strategy, growth and direction of your business. 


Comment below or send me a message with the words “AUGUST WORKSHOP” and I’ll send across the details.  


Hit reply to this email with the words “AUGUST WORKSHOP” and I’ll send across the details.  


To your success. 




PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now: 


  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for leaders and business owners learning the strategies and leadership skills to step up and thrive right now – Click Here to join  


  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team” to learn the skills to get the most out of the people around you. Build a high performing team that generates incredible profits and allows you to have more fun and spend more time with the people you love – Click Here


  1.  Book a 15-minute Business Growth Call. A short, no-obligation catch up where we can touch base and really look at where you are now, where you want to be, and then build a personalised plan together for how to get you there – Click Here


  1. Join us! We run a thriving community and training group for engineering consultancy business owners. In 2023, our members on average grew their revenue by 46%. If you'd like the same results or better - just send me an email at [email protected] with the word “PROGRAM” and I’ll get you some more information. 

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