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The Benefits Of Being Vulnerable


I want to share with you an awesome story about a client who has done amazing things over the last 6 months in working on being a more vulnerable leader. 

Now, why the heck would you want to be a vulnerable leader you ask??? 

If you read my last post on the number one thing humans crave above all else - which is connection - this is a natural flow on from that post.

The business world has gone through a MASSIVE transformation in the past 10 to 15 years (and on many levels still is evolving and has a long way to go in some areas).

I remember when I first started my career and entered the workforce as a young engineer. As the time, the leaders in the company very much ruled with an iron fist and it was “their way or the highway”. On some level it felt a bit like a dictatorship and the thoughts and opinions of the fresh and even middle tier staff didn’t really matter. You just did what you were told, learnt not to offer your opinion on ways things could be done better and more efficiently as this was just the way business was done. 

These days - it’s WAY different. That is just NOT how business is done. Everyone’s opinion is valid, as you just don’t know when a suggestion from a grad fresh out of uni will revolutionise the way you do things and propel the business forward, way ahead of its competitors.

Business is very much about the team spirit and connection and all high performing teams recognise that their success doesn’t come down to one single person's efforts - but more importantly how they perform together as a unit - each operating in their zone of genius based on their unique personality style (more about that another time). 

Now back to my client story. 

This particular client had role models in the early stages of their career that were EXACTLY as I described above. As they moved up the ladder and into leadership roles in their own right - they lead their teams the way they had been led as a junior and the only way they knew how.

Their leadership style was being met with a fair bit of resistance from their team and even clients and something needed to shift - which is when we started working together. 

The work we did together was never about being a stronger leader, setting more boundaries or speaking their mind - they had that aspect of their leadership role down pat. 

The work was all about opening up, becoming more vulnerable, letting their team see their softer side and most importantly - CONNECTING with others more meaningfully.

As a leader - if you can have access to all aspects of your personality (such as the ability to set strong boundaries, hold others accountable and also show emotional maturity and connect with others deeply) and be able to move in and out of them easily and when required - you will absolutely win.

This has NOT been an easy journey for my client. They have had to meet and face a lot of internal resistance, fear and judgement about being a more vulnerable leader - but the feedback from their team and their managers has been incredible. Even on a personal level - their relationship with their family and loved ones has deepened dramatically. 

If you’re struggling to get the most from your team and feel like they wouldn’t move mountains for you - maybe try opening up, being a bit vulnerable, sharing a bit more about yourself than you normally would and connect with them on a deeper level. 

It’s absolutely worked for my client and there’s no reason why it won’t work for you. 

Hope this has helped. 

Josh ‘Vulnerable’ Stone


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