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Thou Shalt Keep It Simple

Too many business owners over-complicate things. 

They make business way harder than it needs to be - because they think that’s what’s required to grow a successful consultancy. 

When faced with business problems or even what to do next to grow - they make things really complex & confusing so that even the smartest person would have a hard time working out what’s going on. 

There’s a saying we use with all of our Boardroom clients - “Simple scales. Complex fails”. 

When we keep business simple - we can see the path forward to growth. 

When we make it complex and complicated - that path forward gets confusing and overgrown. 

And a confused mind says no. 

Meaning that if you can’t see the path forward or it looks complex and confusing, you get overwhelmed and your mind says ‘no’.  

If it all feels too hard and too complicated, you end up taking no action at all and as a result - you stay right where you are and your business doesn’t grow. 

I want the opposite for you - I want you to have a really simple business, that’s fun to run and you have clarity on the path forward. 

Now simple doesn’t have to mean small either.  

In fact - if you want to grow, it’s incredibly important that you simplify things first - otherwise your already complex business becomes 1000% harder to run as you try and grow it. 

A great business is about doing less - but better.  

It’s not about adding more moving pieces in - it’s about removing what’s not working and doubling down on the things that are. 

Then you grow from there. 

To your success. 

Josh ‘Keep It Simple’ Stone 


PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now: 

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for leaders and business owners 

It’s our Facebook community where leaders and business owners are learning the strategies and leadership skills to step up and thrive right now – Click Here to join


  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team” 

Learn the skills to get the most out of the people around you. Build a high performing team that generates incredible profits and allows you to have more fun and to spend more time with the people you love – Click Here


  1. Book in a Catch Up 

This session is designed for you and I to touch base, to get to know each other a little better and to really look at where you are now, where you want to be and then we’ll make a plan together for how to get you there! – Click Here


  1. Work With Us 

Join our training program designed to help you focus on the core areas of growing your team, your business and yourself in the process. Together we'll work on winning work, business development & client relationships. We'll look at strategies for team performance, project performance as well as your leadership skills to motivate and get the most from the people around you. We'll also focus on your growth as a leader, effective delegation to those around you and only focusing on the strategic activities that move the needle and make the biggest difference. - Just send me an email at [email protected] with the word “PROGRAM” and I’ll get you some more information. 


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