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Upgrade Your Shell

At what point did we stop seeing ourselves as a work in progress?

As kids we were constantly trying new things, failing, falling, picking ourselves up again and learning in the process. We viewed the world and the experiences in at as an opportunity to teach us new things and to learn and grow. This is natural human evolution.

But as adults, at some point along the way we decided that we were done with growing, done with pushing the boundaries and limits of what we currently know and the skills that we currently have and that this [insert selfie] is simply the 'finished product'.

Today I want to explore with you why we stop learning and growing and why it is imperative that you get comfortable with growth, moving outside of your comfort zone and 'upgrading your shell' if you truly want to build a successful and profitable team and business.

I get it - failing is scary. 

Learning something new can be overwhelming. 

Moving outside of your comfort zone can be daunting.

All of these things cause us to feel uncomfortable emotions. As kids, we just took these uncomfortable emotions in our stride - they just came with learning, growing and developing. But at some point, we decided that we didn't want to feel these uncomfortable emotions any longer - so we just stopped taking the action (stepping outside of our comfort zone) that was causing us to feel this way.

But what most people don't realise is that when you squash your growth urge - your desire to learn a new skill, learn something new, move outside of your comfort zone (even if its daunting)...we squash that spark inside of us - the spark that makes us truly human and truly unique.

All of us have 'work-ons' - things we don't do so well, things that scare us and make us feel overwhelmed when we think about doing them. These are the things that we know we need to get better at. These are the areas where we need to do the work and to grow out of our old shell and into a new one.

These are the areas that if you choose to take action on and step outside of our comfort zone - you will start to see incredible results for your team and your business. Things like:

  • Getting better at putting yourself out there, approaching and building relationships with new potential customers.
  • Getting better at asking for decent fees that you're actually worth.
  • Having difficult conversations with your team and holding them to a higher standard.

If you choose to stay in your comfort zone - then your current reality will stay your current reality.

However, if you choose to embrace 'upgrading your shell' then the sky is the limit for the performance and profit of your team and business.

Josh ‘Upgrade Your Shell' Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you build more PROFIT, FUN and FREEDOM into your engineering team and business:

  1. Take our quiz to determine your unique leadership style

Answer a few questions and you’ll be sent a report which covers your strengths as a leader, areas for development and your unique skills for winning work and building a profitable and high performing engineering team – Click Here 

  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To Build A High Performing Engineering Team”

Learn the skills you need to know to get the most out of the team around you to be able to build a high performing and highly profitable engineering team – Click Here 

  1. Book in a 15min Strategy Session

Let's work out a plan together on how to build more PROFIT, FUN & FREEDOM into your engineering team and business through generating more revenue, nailing client experience and relationships, building and then growing a high performing and highly profitable engineering team – Click Here 

  1. Have me work with you and your team privately

If you’re serious about getting real results and you’d like me to work directly with you and your team to help you win more work ($1M plus), nail client experience and relationships, build and then grow a high performing and highly profitable engineering team... just send me an email at [email protected] and put “Private” in the subject line... tell me a little about your business, your role and your team and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!



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