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What does freedom mean to you?

Now in this post I’m not necessarily talking about sailing around the world on a boat for a year or living on a mountain top with not a single care or responsibility in the world - although these may be aspirations you have!

 In this post I’m talking about in your day to day. In your role or in your business.

Would you like to have the ability to be in a true leadership role, where your team largely look after the day to day and you focus on the strategy and direction of the team?

Would you like to focus on client relationships whilst your team focuses on delivery?

Would you like to actually be able to get out of the office and create the space to think strategically about the direction of your team and where the next big client is coming from without your phone ringing a hundred times?

All of these represent freedom too. The freedom and ability to choose where you are directing your efforts and energy. The freedom to operate largely in your zone of genius and to delegate the rest. The freedom to have fun again and to do what you enjoy.

Most leaders and business owners are their own worst enemy when it comes to building freedom into their week.

You are often in a position where you could choose to delegate more, or to focus on the areas that you really enjoy and engage the support of your team to help in the other areas that you don’t enjoy so much or to leave the office for a couple of hours a week to spend in creative mode focusing on strategy......but you don’t....why? 

Because you immediately feel guilty. Or you worry about what others will think of you. Or that you’ll be viewed as a slacker. 

I’m here to tell you that you can have the freedom if you want it. 

It does takes time. And a decent strategy. And an ability to admit that some things aren’t working and will need to change.

You first need to build an awareness of what you are doing currently that removes or prohibits you from creating the freedom in your week that you want (and it will 100% have something to do with a though pattern or belief system that is stopping you). You then you need to make a commitment to make changes and build a willingness to work on yourself, to step outside of your comfort zone and to do things a bit differently. 

It’s all possible. You just need to choose to make the change. 

Trust me – you won’t regret it. Building more freedom into your week means you’ll have more fun and feel more energised and excited about your role or your business. 

Josh ‘Freedom’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you build more fun, freedom and profit into your engineering team and business:

  1. Download our free PDF guide – “Your Leadership Style”

Use this guide to unpack your own unique leadership style and help you understand your team members main personality styles which will allow you to lead with confidence and motivate and empower those around you – Click Here 

  1. Book in a 15min Strategy Session

Let's work together and develop a plan to help you, your team and your business generate more revenue ($1M plus), turn clients into raving fans, build a high performing and highly profitable engineering team…and experience more FUN and FREEDOM in the process – Click Here 

  1. Join our coaching program

If you’re serious about getting real results and want to build more fun, freedom and profit into your engineering team and business – I am putting together a new coaching program next month. If you’d like to work with me and my team to hone and develop your winning work, client relationship, leadership and team’s performance skills…just send me an email at [email protected] and put “Program” in the subject line and I’ll get you all the details.

  1. Have me work with you and your team privately

If you’d like me to work directly with you and your team to help you win more work ($1M plus), nail client experience and relationships, build and then grow a high performing and highly profitable engineering team...and build more confidence, motivation and inspiration in the process...just send me an email at [email protected] and put “Private” in the subject line...tell me a little about your business, your role and your team and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll be in touch to discuss a plan!


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