Last week I shared with you a really powerful insight from one of my clients, Phil, around changing how you view delegation.
Today I want to explore with you some of the common blocks and the common elements that hold so many good leaders and business owners back from delegating to their team and the people around them more - who quite frankly could be doing more and have more time in their weeks to do these activities.
The first block I see a lot of is that they’re too busy.
Meaning that they just don't feel like they have the time (or are not prepared to make the time) to really sit down with a team member and show them how to do a particular task.
What they don’t realise is that this process is such a good investment of their time, because it means that this team member is getting better at certain tasks in the business over time. It also means that as the team member gets better at this particular task, it is freeing them up to focus more on strategic thinking and the direction of their team or business.
The second element is an over-active people pleasing element to their personality.
This shows itself in leaders and business owners worrying about what their team will think of them (and whether they’ll like them) if they delegate more.
They feel guilty every time they go to ask for help and eventually stop asking for help because they’re so worried about what others will think of them.
Again what they don’t realise is that there are ways to delegate and ways to ask for help that ensures that their team totally gets it and are totally on board with pitching in and helping the broader success of the team of the business.
So ultimately your team and your business won’t grow and you’ll always find yourself stuck in the day to day doing, as opposed to elevating yourself into a strategic leadership role, if you don’t get the delegation piece right.
Don’t get me wrong - delegation is hard, it takes time, it takes practice and it takes a willingness get outside of your comfort zone and to ask yourself how you can leverage the time of the people around you.
But I guarantee it is SO worth it.
Josh ‘Delegate More’ Stone
PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:
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