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Why The Engineering Industry Needs More Of You Being Uniquely You



Today, I want to talk to you about why the engineering industry needs more of you.

 Now, so many of the engineers and leaders that I work with in my coaching and mentoring programs feel like they need to be somebody different to succeed in the engineering industry and to be accepted.

 And when you start to explore with them that they have unique skill sets, that they have unique strengths that only they have and that they should really be focusing on that and not worrying what everyone else is doing, that's when you see the light bulb go on for them. Because they have recognised that they have spent so much effort and energy trying to be somebody they’re not.

So, my hope for you in today’s post is that you realise that the engineering industry needs more of you being uniquely you.





 Hello, Josh here.

Today, I want to talk to you about why the engineering industry needs more of you.

Now, so many of the engineers and leaders that I work with in my coaching and mentoring programs feel like they need to be somebody different to succeed in the engineering industry and to be accepted.

And when you start to explore with them that they have unique skill sets, they have unique strengths that only they have and that they should be really focusing on that and not worrying what everyone else is doing, that's when you see the light bulb go on because the engineering industry needs more of you.

They need you to be uniquely you, not you feeling like you need to be somebody else. And right now, that you're not actually worthy of being you, that you need to be somebody else. Because if you're all if you're spending your entire day and your entire career feeling like you're not good enough and that you need to be more like Steve or Joe or Bob or Mary, then that's really tiring.

And I know for their clients and engineers and leaders that I've worked with, when they spend all of their day trying to be something they're not, trying to be somebody they're not, trying to be different to who they naturally are. That's really tiring.

And one of the first signs to me as a coach, when I start working with people, is they say that they are getting to the end of every workday, completely tired, completely burnt out, feeling completely overwhelmed. It's a sign that they're actually trying to be somebody they're not. They're trying to do tasks and roles within the business that don't suit their personality style. They're trying to be somebody different.

And in today's video, my challenge to you or what I'm wanting to bring awareness around, is that it’s a really common thing. People spend so much of their days in their careers trying to be somebody different, trying to be somebody that they're not

And you can do work ons. You can start to develop new personality traits based on other people’s personal traits that you admire. But that takes time, that takes effort, that takes energy. You can do that but that's a conscious work on embodying new personality traits.

Today's video, what I'm exploring is when you're trying to be somebody you're not and you get into the end of the day and you're just totally burnt out. So, the industry needs more of you and your unique skillsets, because like I said, you’re likely trying to be somebody you're not.

It is really tiring for you. You're not being the best version of yourself. You're not being the best version of you to your team. And if you've got a family and kids, when you get home from work every day, you're a tired, burnt out mess, and you've got no time to invest effort and energy in connecting with the people that you love.

So, a reasonably short video for me today, but the challenge is set. Where are you trying to be different and are you coming from a place, if you're trying to be different, of “I'm not good enough”? “I'm not good enough therefore I need to be uniquely different”.

So, if you're coming from that place or that orientation, my challenge to you today is to understand your unique personality style, your unique strengths and your unique gifts.

In the comments below I'll throw a copy of a download of my free leadership guide, which will go through your unique personality style, your unique leadership skills, so you can start to think about, well, what are my unique personality styles and how do I step into and own those strengths and gifts?

Hope you've enjoyed today's video. Love to hear your thoughts and comments below.

Have an amazing day.

Live Out Loud

Josh Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you accelerate your engineering career and grow your engineering business: 

  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “Your Leadership Style”
    Use this guide to unpack your own unique leadership style and to help you understand your team members main personality styles, their strengths, their work-ons and how to lead them more effectively – Click Here 
  1. Book in a free 30min Strategy Session
    This is a free, no obligation strategy session where I work with you to understand your number #1 mindset road block that is currently holding you back from truly accelerating your engineering career and then develop your own personalised road map to move forward with clarity and focus – Click Here 
  1. Join The Leadership Code our 8-week program
    If you’re serious about getting real results and want deeper and more rewarding levels of success in your engineering career – I am putting together a new Leadership Code group next month. If you’d like to work with me and my team to hone and develop your winning work, client relationship, leadership and team performance skills… just send me an email at [email protected] and put “Leadership Code” in the subject line and I’ll get you all the details.
  1. Have me work with you and your team privately
    If you’d like me to work directly with you and your team and help you add an additional $1m plus in revenue to your business and double your project pipeline ... just send me an email at [email protected] and put “Private” in the subject line... tell me a little about your business, your role and your team and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

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