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Why You Will Never Rise Higher Than You Currently Are

Unfortunately, we have been sold a lie. 

We’re told that the doorway to success swings outward. We’re told that we just need to work harder, get more clients, make more money, buy more things and we will feel truly happy in our career and in our life. 

In actual fact - the doorway to success (true success) swings inward.

The true path to living a deeply rewarding life and having an incredibly successful career - lies within.

Most people are running around blindly trying to amass more money, more clients, more toys in the hope that they will be able to quieten that voice that’s trying to tell them there’s something more to their life that they’re missing. That there’s a deeper and more profound life to be living - if only they’d stop, go inwards and listen. 

Now I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with more money, more clients or more toys or that you should quit your job or shut down your business and go and sit on a rock for a year until you find yourself! I’m suggesting that until you dial into yourself and connect deeply to yourself and work out what lights you up, what you care deeply about, what you’re willing to fight for, what your strengths and skills are (which you should do more of) or what your weaknesses are (that you should delegate or get training around) - you will continue to waste your time on the immaterial and unimportant tasks that are keeping you stuck where you currently are. 

The true path to more money, more clients, more toys (if you want them), a rewarding career, an inspired team and a quality life - requires you to do the heavy lifting at an internal level. It requires that you get in the trenches with yourself and do the work to develop a deep level of awareness and a deep understanding of who you really are. 

You will never rise higher in this world than how you currently see and perceive yourself. 

You will never rise higher in this world than to a level that your current beliefs and values will allow you to. 

Your income reflects your identity. 

Your performance reflects your story. 

If you don’t have the internal belief systems, value systems and resilience that supports you getting to the level you want to go to - you won’t. Pure and simple. 

If you don’t believe you can achieve your goals and have access to the parts of your personality that will allow you to do so - you won’t achieve them. 

So many people spend all day thinking positively, staring at their vision boards and post-it notes and yet nothing changes? Why? Because they haven’t done the work to remove the unconscious blocks that don’t believe they deserve to achieve their goals or spent the time developing belief systems that align with their career and life vision. 

Stop chasing immaterial and unimportant goals. Stop focusing on positive quotes and vision boards. 

Get in. Do the work. Get very real and very raw about who you truly are and then get to work building a life based on that. 

That’s true success. 

Live Out Loud 

Josh Stone   


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