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Winning Work CAN Be Easy

So many engineering leaders and business owners groan when you talk to them about winning work.

"It's really hard"

"It takes a lot of effort and most of the time doesn't pay off"

"Most of the potential customers I talk to already have their preferred engineer and they are just going to give the work to them regardless of what I say or do"....

...and this is absolutely true if you're approaching BD and winning work like everyone else - unfocused networking, boozy lunches, fighting for work based on being the cheapest etc. etc.

Today I want to talk to you about a strategy that has been absolutely amazing for my clients: Authority marketing. 

Authority marketing is where you are actively and consciously positioning yourself, your team and your business as a thought leader and a market leader in your chosen field.

You are constantly producing articles, marketing material, content for LinkedIn and other platforms as well as your email database where you are talking about your specific expertise in your chosen area and positioning yourself as the leader in this space.

You are producing and using customer testimonials from previous projects where you have really helped and achieved amazing results for your customers and they are ecstatic about how you helped them - again in your specific area of expertise.

You use these customer testimonials to talk about the problem your customer was facing before you arrived on the scene, you talk about the strategy that you employed for your customer based on your expertise in this area and you talk about the outcome you achieved for your customer and the money / pain / frustration that you have saved them. 

Guess what starts to happen over time? Your positioning work starts to pay off. Potential customers are approaching you for help. They have seen your authority marketing, how you have helped other customers and the results you have achieved for them and now that they are having the same challenges - they want your help. 

Suddenly the tables have turned - you are no longer out there hunting for work and coming back empty handed. Work is coming to you! The customers you once were chasing - begin to chase you.

Think about your competitors out there - how many of them are doing this? Not many! 

Yes, this still requires work.

Yes, this still requires you to put in effort.

Yes, this still requires perseverance and dedication.

(every successful team and business out there require this)

But this strategy works and it pays off.

Josh 'Authority Marketing' Stone 

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you build more PROFIT, FUN and FREEDOM into your engineering team and business:

  1. Take our quiz to determine your unique leadership style

Answer a few questions and you’ll be sent a report which covers your strengths as a leader, areas for development and your unique skills for winning work and building a profitable and high performing engineering team – Click Here 

  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To Build A High Performing Engineering Team”

Learn the skills you need to know to get the most out of the team around you to be able to build a high performing and highly profitable engineering team – Click Here

  1. Book in a 15min Strategy Session

Let's work out a plan together on how to build more PROFIT, FUN & FREEDOM into your engineering team and business through generating more revenue, nailing client experience and relationships, building and then growing a high performing and highly profitable engineering team – Click Here 

  1. Have me work with you and your team privately

If you’re serious about getting real results and you’d like me to work directly with you and your team to help you win more work ($1M plus), nail client experience and relationships, build and then grow a high performing and highly profitable engineering team... just send me an email at [email protected] and put “Private” in the subject line... tell me a little about your business, your role and your team and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!



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