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How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team

Created Specifically For Engineering Consultancies

Build a high performing engineering team that generates incredible profits & frees you up to focus on strategy, direction & the high-growth activities that will move the needle the most & make the biggest difference


Upgrade Your Shell

At what point did we stop seeing ourselves as a work in progress?

As kids we were constantly trying new things, failing, falling, picking ourselves up again and learning in the process. We viewed the world and the experiences in at as an opportunity to teach us new things and to learn and grow. This is natural human evolution.

But as adults, at some point along the way we decided that we were done with growing, done with pushing the boundaries and limits of what we currently know and the skills that we currently have and that this [insert selfie] is simply the 'finished product'.

Today I want to explore with you why we stop learning and growing and why it is imperative that you get comfortable with growth, moving outside of your comfort zone and 'upgrading your shell' if you truly want to build a successful and profitable team and business.

I get it - failing is scary. 

Learning something new can be overwhelming. 

Moving outside of your comfort zone can be daunting.

All of...

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Leverage Your Time To Increase Profit & Performance

Today I want to debunk the myth that you have to do it all on your own.

A lot of the team leaders, a lot of the market leaders, a lot of the engineering business owners that I work with are really stressed out. They're burnt out. They're overwhelmed. They’ve got so many things to do and they wear so many different hats in the business. You know - winning the work, delivering that work, ensuring the team's performing well and then growing the team if possible. 

And so, when you talk to them about delegation or passing off some of their workload, they're like – “I can't do that”. And when you start to coach them and work with them around this, there's a couple of key elements that can really help them shift this to ultimately increase their profit and performance.

And that’s what I want to explore with you right now… 






Hi, everyone - Josh here. Hope you're...

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What does freedom mean to you?

Now in this post I’m not necessarily talking about sailing around the world on a boat for a year or living on a mountain top with not a single care or responsibility in the world - although these may be aspirations you have!

 In this post I’m talking about in your day to day. In your role or in your business.

Would you like to have the ability to be in a true leadership role, where your team largely look after the day to day and you focus on the strategy and direction of the team?

Would you like to focus on client relationships whilst your team focuses on delivery?

Would you like to actually be able to get out of the office and create the space to think strategically about the direction of your team and where the next big client is coming from without your phone ringing a hundred times?

All of these represent freedom too. The freedom and ability to choose where you are directing your efforts and energy. The freedom to operate largely in your zone of genius and to...

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How To Guarantee A Constant Pipeline Of Work

Today I want to explore with you why you might be letting go of and not spending enough time in the strategic, big picture thinking parts of your personality and sacrificing this to spend time in the ‘business-as-usual’ day to day activities.

My challenge to my clients who are engineering team leaders, business owners and the big picture thinkers in these organisations, is if you're not consciously creating the space and the time for you to get out of the office or to go somewhere to think big picture and to think strategically, what do you think that's going to do to the pipeline of work? What do you think that's going to do to the team underneath you? Are you ensuring that all of those people have jobs or have work to go on with in six or 12 months’ time?

And when you can reframe it like that, they're like, “Oh, yeah, I get it.”




Hi everyone, Josh here.

Now today in today's video, I...

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