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The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

Hosted by: Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast is dedicated purely to the engineering industry. The show’s host, Josh Stone, interviews serious change makers, leaders & business owners who are creating significant shifts in the industry,...

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Work With Clients Who Grow Your Business | EP 92

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Why it's crucial to upgrade your client base to achieve business growth.   - Know your ideal clients and their pain points, frustrations, goals, and aspirations.   - A simple...
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A Great Technician Doesn’t Equal A Great Business Owner | EP 91

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - How to go from being a technician to a conductor business owner to grow your business successfully.  - As you grow, the key is developing your EQ and creating a team to drive...
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Some Call This “Grit” | EP 90

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Building a successful business isn’t all sunshine and rainbows!   - Business owners winning now went through the hard times before.   - Look after yourself, keep pushing and...
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From Stalled to Thriving: Master Your Core SOPs | EP 89

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Profitable businesses are built on good systems and processes.  - Start by focusing on your core 6-10 SOPs to reduce overwhelm.   - Achieve growth and efficiency within 6...
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Cheaper Fees = A Race To The Bottom | EP 88

In today’s podcast episode we explore:  - How cheaper fees lead to a “race to the bottom.”   - The mindset issues of self-worth and people-pleasing that often drive fee-cutting.   - A successful, profitable and...
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Why Delegating Your Emails Can Skyrocket Your Business Growth | EP 87

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Delegate email to maximise productivity and achieve faster business growth.   - Why emails are low-value tasks that steal your most productive hours.  - Learn how to delegate...
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How To Get Off The Tools | EP 86

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - How to put down the tools to achieve greater freedom, profit and growth.    - Get clear on your role and your value, then make a plan.    - Learn a simple strategy to...
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Unlock Your Business Growth: Overcoming Mindset Barriers

In today's podcast episode we explore: - Common mindset barriers that hamper growth and big-picture strategic thinking.- Understanding imposter syndrome and perfectionism. - Avoid the pitfalls of worst-case thinking...
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Better Profits From This One Project Closeout Step | EP 85

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Project closeout meetings are essential for improved profit margins. - Sharing lessons learned enhances knowledge, boosts performance and aids business growth. - Learn a...
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What’s Better - Promote Internally Or Go External? | EP 84

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Why promoting from within is often better than hiring externally. - How internal hires leverage familiarity with the company, aiding morale and retention. - Tips on how to...
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Why You Need A GM | EP 83

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Why a GM is crucial for scaling your business at $2-3M and beyond.  - How a GM can help buy back your time to focus on strategic growth.   - Get insights into hiring the best...
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The Secret To Reaching $3M (And Beyond) | EP 82

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - A common trap for consultancy business owners is being a generalist, just getting their name out there and drumming up as much work as possible. Attempting to be all things...
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