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The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

Hosted by: Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast is dedicated purely to the engineering industry. The show’s host, Josh Stone, interviews serious change makers, leaders & business owners who are creating significant shifts in the industry,...

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Why Working Hard is Keeping You Stuck | EP 81

In today’s podcast episode we explore:  - Why the good old "hard work” mentality results in missed opportunities and stunted business growth.   - A simple shift in your mentality to start focusing on leveraging your...
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Why It’s Time To Revisit Your Vision | EP 80

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Why having a clear vision or North Star is essential for guiding business decisions and ensuring long-term success.   - How a vision influences critical decisions in the...
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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Bringing In Shareholders | EP 79

In today’s podcast episode we explore:  - How shareholders can benefit your business and help you grow or plan for your exit.   - A comprehensive list of criteria to help you identify ‘who’ is the right shareholder...
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How To Build A High Performing Team Culture | EP 78

In today’s podcast episode we explore:  - Discover the importance of building a high-performance team to drive daily business operations.  - Learn why a structured performance review process with actionable plans and...
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One Thing Every Business Owner Should Know | EP 77

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - The common trap business owners fall into as they grow: not tracking one of their most important key metrics—revenue forecasting.   - I’ll share two simple methods for...
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Get Off The Tools & Grow Your Business | EP 76

In today’s podcast episode we explore:  - Common blocks business owners face getting stuck on the tools working in their business preventing their growth.  - Our struggle with trust and letting go - being confident...
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Build A Winning Talent Ecosystem | EP 75

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Common recruitment mistakes we make taking a short-term and reactive approach that hurts us down the line.    - How to identify your talent pool and leverage platforms like...
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New Clients Cost 5x Existing | EP 74

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Revenue is not just about getting new clients – new clients cost five times more than existing ones.   - How to embrace existing client relationships and grow a more...
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Your Business Stages | EP 73

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Business is a journey with stages of growth and evolution and opportunities for growth are endless.   - Understand that your business progression mirrors your personal growth...
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Perspective is Everything | EP 72

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - We easily get stuck in stress and overwhelm with a “gap” perspective of progress like “when my business hits one million, I have achieved my goal.” This perspective is a...
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Transferring Trust To Your Staff | EP 71

In today’s podcast episode we explore:  - The value of investing time in transferring trust to your staff—a process that may take time but yields incredible results for your business growth.   - Common pitfalls in...
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Getting Client Testimonials | EP 70

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - The power of client testimonials in building your brand and establishing yourself in the marketplace.    - Learn proven strategies to turn existing clients into persuasive...
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