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The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

Hosted by: Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast is dedicated purely to the engineering industry. The show’s host, Josh Stone, interviews serious change makers, leaders & business owners who are creating significant shifts in the industry,...

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Working With Better Clients | Episode 69

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Why you need to shift your focus away from taking on any work you can get, to working with better clients that will take you to that next level of growth.   - Three tips to...
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Board Level Focus | Episode 68

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   -  Shifting focus from day-to-day tasks to strategic planning to effectively drive business growth.   -  Impacts to business owners getting overly entangled in their day-to-day...
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Build A Systemised Business | Episode 67

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Why building systems and processes into your business is the key to unlocking growth and profit.    - Just start somewhere and build on it from there.   - Building out great...
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What's Keeping You Playing Small | Episode 66

In today’s podcast episode we explore:  The mindset barriers that hinder business growth and success + how to embrace a growth mindset in order to propel your business to new heights.  Practical strategies to...
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Hiring Great Staff | Episode 65

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - How to hire great staff and attract great talent into your business. - The power of building your 'talent ecosystem' around your business and nurturing this ecosystem. - The...
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Build A Lifestyle Business | Episode 64

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Working out what's important to you, both in life and in business, and then building a business that support this. - Recognising that there are different business stages that...
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Bet on Yourself | Episode 63

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - The importance of backing yourself and betting on yourself to do what you need to do to build the business and the life that you want. - Adopting the mantra "everything is my...
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Growth Requires a Plan | Episode 62

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - The importance of actually having a plan for where you want to take your business and your life. - Having a plan in place (even if it's not 100% complete) gives you clarity on...
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Do You Love Your Business | Episode 61

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - The importance of loving what you do and enjoying running your business. - Looking after yourself and filling your own cup up first. - When business isn't fun, you end up...
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Own Your Expertise | Episode 60

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Your ability to grow a successful and profitable consultancy comes down to your ability to stand in your own self-worth, have hard conversations and own your expertise. - The...
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Episode 59 - Choose The Right Clients

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Taking ownership over the clients you work with in your business. - If you don't like the clients you're working with, make a plan to move them on. - If you get this wrong, it...
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Expand Your Comfort Zone | EP 58

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Why you need to expand your comfort zone and get uncomfortable in order for your business to grow. - If you're comfortable, and have been for some time, that could be why your...
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