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The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

Hosted by: Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast is dedicated purely to the engineering industry. The show’s host, Josh Stone, interviews serious change makers, leaders & business owners who are creating significant shifts in the industry,...

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How To Deliver Incredible Projects | S02E57

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Building a structure and a framework for how you want projects delivered in your business. - Empowering and training others on your team to run their projects based on this...
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Who To Bring On As A Next Gen Shareholder | S02E56

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - You need to be 100% sure about who you're inviting to become a next gen shareholder. - Get clear on the criteria and only invite those who match the criteria. - If your gut is...
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Remove Yourself as the Bottleneck | S02E55

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - You need to remove yourself as the bottleneck to your businesses growth. - If you don't, your business will plateau. - If you currently are the bottleneck, ways &...
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Your Ideal Week | S02E54

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Why you need to get ruthless with your time and where you're spending it. - Build & structure your weeks so that you make time for all of the big rocks in your business. -...
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How To Choose a Niche | S02E53

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Why it's important to narrow your client focus. - Being a generalist won't allow you to grow your business properly. - As you grow, bring on more teams and more champions to...
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Don't Be The Resource | S02E52

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Why it's so important that you focus on controlling the resources, not being a resource. - The internal shift you'll need to navigate as you move from a Technician business...
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Board Level Business Metrics | S02E51

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Having a "Board Level" focus in your business. - The metrics to focus on that make the biggest difference. - The importance of wearing different hats and separating your...
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The Power Of Internal Marketing | S02E50

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Focusing on internal marketing in your business. - Celebrating team wins, staff performance & client feedback to create an exceptional team culture. - The importance of...
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Get Better at Sales | S02E49

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - How to approach the sales process to win more work. - Converting opportunities at a higher percentage. - Recognising when you have a block to sales and overcoming it. - Tying...
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Increase Team Performance | S02E48

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - The recruitment process and how to hire high performers every time. - Don't hire for likeness, hire for difference. - How to get your team focused on client success. - A...
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Focus & Discipline Creates Results | S02E47

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - The importance of getting laser focused on what truly matters. - Taking disciplined actioned towards your big rocks or major goals. - Why the scattergun approach doesn't...
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Internal Share Valuation | S02E46

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - The benefits of bringing on next gen shareholders into your business. - Leveraging the skills, drive and motivation of key people around you. - How to structure different ways...
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