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The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

Hosted by: Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast is dedicated purely to the engineering industry. The show’s host, Josh Stone, interviews serious change makers, leaders & business owners who are creating significant shifts in the industry,...

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The Importance of Company Values | S02E45

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - The importance of getting really clear on your company values. - Your values are the foundation and core framework of your business. - How to build a great company culture. -...
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Elevate To Grow | S02E44

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - How to elevate yourself and your staff so that your business is constantly growing. - Getting clear on what you don't want to be doing in the business anymore so that you can...
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Your Company Structure | S02E43

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - How to structure your company for growth. - Your structure needs to be personal and it needs to work for you. - Why you need to get clear on your longer term game plan for your...
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Marketing on LinkedIn | S02E42

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - How to market on LinkedIn properly & effectively. - Using LinkedIn as a platform to build a brand, build a business presence, win more work and attract great staff into...
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Build A Bigger Pipeline | S02E41

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Consistency creates the real results when it comes to BD and winning work. - How to use The Traffic Light System to build a bigger pipeline. - How to remove the peaks and...
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The Staff Pay Review Process | S02E40

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Clarity & communication is everything when it comes to the pay & performance review process. - Setting expectations together with your staff member is key to this...
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Create Big Results | S02E39

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - How to create big results through consistency and building momentum. - Work out what's working and do more of this. - Not getting distracted by new, bright and shiny things...
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Build Your Leadership Team | S02E38

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - The importance of bringing on great people around you to support you. - Building a leadership team isn't an expense, it's helping you buy back your time. - You can often fall...
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How To Structure Your Company | S02E37

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - How to structure your company correctly for the growth of your business. - Your company structure is deeply personal, it has to work for you. - There are many different ways to...
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Your Business Won't Grow If You Don't | S02E36

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - If you want your business to grow, you have to grow with your business. - What got you to where you are, won't get you to where you want to be going. - It's important to not...
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Upgrade Your Clients | S02E35

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Not wasting the opportunity you have in front of you to upgrade your client base. - How to get clear on which client's you really want to be working with. - The importance of...
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How To Get Motivated Again | S02E34

  In today’s podcast episode we explore: - What to do when you're lacking inspiration & motivation. - How to reconnect to your drive & find that forward motion. - Business phases often affect motivation,...
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