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The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

Hosted by: Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast is dedicated purely to the engineering industry. The show’s host, Josh Stone, interviews serious change makers, leaders & business owners who are creating significant shifts in the industry,...

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Take Ownership Over Your Time | S02E21

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - The importance of taking ownership over where you spend your time. - Wasting time is like sleeping on a pile of gold. - We only have a certain amount of hours in our days to do...
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Get Your Team Nailing Project Performance | S02E20

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - How to get your staff to go above and beyond on projects. - If your team don't have context, they won't go the extra mile. - If you can't get your team performing well - it...
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Build A Business Around Your Strengths | S02E19

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - The importance of building your business around your strengths and the things you're good at. - Get clear on the activities you enjoy and that make you the most money. - Do a...
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Focus On Profit, Not Revenue | S02E18

In today’s podcast episode, we explore: - Why profit is the true indicator of your business's health. - You need to know what your profit margins are every single month - not once a year! - A focus on revenue growth,...
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Only Work With A-Grade Clients | S02E17

In today’s podcast episode, we explore: - Only working with A-grade clients who value you, your team and your services. - Get rid of C & D-grade clients who are sucking your time, attention and profits. - Exit the...
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Why I Hate The Hustle & Grind Culture | S02E16

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Why I can't stand the hustle & grind culture. - You need to build a business that actually supports the life and the lifestyle that you want, not hinders it. - There's more...
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The Stages Of Business Growth | SO2E15

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - There are different stages of growth that all businesses go through. - Don't beat yourself up when you're in plateaued growth - the next upward trend is just around the...
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The Lost Opportunity Cost Of Time | S02E14

 In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Doing one task, takes you away from doing another. - Are you clear on where you're spending your time? - Do you know what your High Dollar Productive Activities are? - Are you...
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Are BD Incentives Worth It? | S02E13

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Why you need to think through the whole process, pros & cons, before offering an incentive model. - You need to think about an incentive model that will increase the...
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Planning For Shareholder Exits | S02E12

In today’s podcast episode we explore: - Why you need to think about and plan for exiting shareholders now. - The process needs to be easy and well thought through. - The importance of financial planning and mapping...
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Business Sale Multiples | S02E11

In today’s podcast episode, we explore:  - The different multiple ranges you can anticipate for your business. - The higher the revenue & profit margins - the higher the multiples. - The better the clients you...
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Your 12 Month Business Plan | S02E10

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - How to create a 12 month business plan. - Why these types of business plans need to be granular and measurable - not high-level and waffly. - Why it's important to get clear...
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