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The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast with Josh Stone

Hosted by: Josh Stone

The IGNITE Podcast is dedicated purely to the engineering industry. The show’s host, Josh Stone, interviews serious change makers, leaders & business owners who are creating significant shifts in the industry,...

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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Bringing In Shareholders | EP 79

In today’s podcast episode we explore:  - How shareholders can benefit your business and help you grow or plan for your exit.   - A comprehensive list of criteria to help you identify ‘who’ is the right shareholder...
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How To Build A High Performing Team Culture | EP 78

In today’s podcast episode we explore:  - Discover the importance of building a high-performance team to drive daily business operations.  - Learn why a structured performance review process with actionable plans and...
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One Thing Every Business Owner Should Know | EP 77

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - The common trap business owners fall into as they grow: not tracking one of their most important key metrics—revenue forecasting.   - I’ll share two simple methods for...
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Get Off The Tools & Grow Your Business | EP 76

In today’s podcast episode we explore:  - Common blocks business owners face getting stuck on the tools working in their business preventing their growth.  - Our struggle with trust and letting go - being confident...
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Build A Winning Talent Ecosystem | EP 75

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Common recruitment mistakes we make taking a short-term and reactive approach that hurts us down the line.    - How to identify your talent pool and leverage platforms like...
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New Clients Cost 5x Existing | EP 74

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Revenue is not just about getting new clients – new clients cost five times more than existing ones.   - How to embrace existing client relationships and grow a more...
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Your Business Stages | EP 73

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Business is a journey with stages of growth and evolution and opportunities for growth are endless.   - Understand that your business progression mirrors your personal growth...
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Perspective is Everything | EP 72

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - We easily get stuck in stress and overwhelm with a “gap” perspective of progress like “when my business hits one million, I have achieved my goal.” This perspective is a...
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Transferring Trust To Your Staff | EP 71

In today’s podcast episode we explore:  - The value of investing time in transferring trust to your staff—a process that may take time but yields incredible results for your business growth.   - Common pitfalls in...
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Getting Client Testimonials | EP 70

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - The power of client testimonials in building your brand and establishing yourself in the marketplace.    - Learn proven strategies to turn existing clients into persuasive...
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Working With Better Clients | Episode 69

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   - Why you need to shift your focus away from taking on any work you can get, to working with better clients that will take you to that next level of growth.   - Three tips to...
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Board Level Focus | Episode 68

In today’s podcast episode we explore:   -  Shifting focus from day-to-day tasks to strategic planning to effectively drive business growth.   -  Impacts to business owners getting overly entangled in their day-to-day...
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