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Today I want to debunk the myth that you have to do it all on your own.

A lot of the team leaders, a lot of the market leaders, a lot of the engineering business owners that I work with are really stressed out. They're burnt out. They're overwhelmed. They’ve got so many things to do and they wear so many different hats in the business. You know - winning the work, delivering that work, ensuring the team's performing well and then growing the team if possible. 

And so, when you talk to them about delegation or passing off some of their workload, they're like – “I can't do that”. And when you start to coach them and work with them around this, there's a couple of key elements that can really help them shift this to ultimately increase their profit and performance.

And that’s what I want to explore with you right now… 






Hi, everyone - Josh here. Hope you're having an incredible day. 

Now in today's video, I actually want to debunk the myth that you have to do it all on your own. 

A lot of the team leaders, a lot of the market leaders, a lot of the engineering business owners that I work with - when you're talking to them, they're really stressed out. They're burnt out. They're overwhelmed. They’ve got so many things to do and they wear so many different hats in the business. You know - winning work, delivering that work, ensuring the team's performing well and then growing the team if possible. 

And so, when you talk to them about delegation or passing off some of their workload, they're like – “I can't do that”. And when you start to go down a few layers and understand why, there's a couple of kind of key things to bring to you in today's video. So, if you are resonating with the video so far, you know, stick around there's a couple of things I want to explore with you. 

The first thing is trust. You know, when you drill down into it, they're like, “I can't trust that person to do the work as good as me or they're not going to do the work as good as me so I may as well just do it myself”. And that may be true. But with that mentality - and there's a whole training piece that I won't go in to in today's video. But with that mentality, you're just going to retain all this workload because sure, maybe the people below you or to the side of you can't do it as well as you - but you are going to burn out. So, it’s the trust element first – “I can't trust anyone else to do that piece of work as good as I could do it”. 

And secondly, which is quite interesting, there's an ego element too. When you actually drill down and work with, you know, the individuals I'm talking about from a psychology point of view - they actually like being the main person. They actually like being the conduit from all of these different avenues coming towards them. They love being the main conduit from the client to the team, the finance team, the invoicing and the winning work. They actually secretly, from an ego's point of view, love being the main person because it all comes through them. They know exactly what's going on with every element of the project. And they actually secretly really enjoy that. 

And again, that's fine. But if it's causing you burn out or overwhelm or you're dropping the ball or your team is dropping the ball - it really needs to be inspected and changed. 

So, these are probably the two main patterns that I see in coaching clients. It’s that trust piece – “I can't trust anyone to do it as well as me” and the ego piece that actually secretly really enjoys being the go to person or the main person. So, they're the two patterns. 

What I'll say to that is, and this is for everyone, build a team around you of differing personality styles. Don't build a team around you of exact replicas of you because that's a recipe for disaster - because you're all going to have the same strengths, but you're also going to have the same weaknesses or work ons. 

So, the team you want to build around you, and this is no different for a big company organisation to a sole trader - you can get help into your business. You can outsource things. You can bring on different individuals within your business but you want to make sure they have different personality styles. Because if you have the same people, like I said, a whole bunch of ‘mini me’s’ running around, that's actually not a diverse team and you're not going to be able to leverage each other's strengths.

So, in today's video, I'm really wanting to bring an awareness around that if you are tired, if you are burnt-out, if you are struggling, you don't have to do it on your own. And the best way to do it, ‘not on your own’, is to build a high performing team around you. A high performing team of individuals with different strengths, different personality styles, strengths complimenting weaknesses, etc etc. Because that's how you can get comfortable and confident in delegating more, because you've got a high performing team around you. 

So, if that's you. If you're struggling to delegate - inspect those couple of patterns that I talked about in today's video and reach out, get in contact with me if you'd like a little bit help with working on this stuff. Love to hear from you. Talk soon.

Josh ‘Leverage’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you build more PROFIT, FUN and FREEDOM into your engineering team and business:

  1. Take our quiz to determine your unique leadership style

Answer a few questions and you’ll be sent a report which covers your strengths as a leader, areas for development and your unique skills for winning work and building a profitable and high performing engineering team – Click Here 

  1. Download our FREE PDF guide – “How To Build A High Performing Engineering Team”

Learn the skills you need to know to get the most out of the team around you to be able to build a high performing and highly profitable engineering team – Click Here 

  1. Book in a 15min Strategy Session

Let's work out a plan together on how to build more PROFIT, FUN & FREEDOM into your engineering team and business through generating more revenue, nailing client experience and relationships, building and then growing a high performing and highly profitable engineering team – Click Here 

  1. Have me work with you and your team privately

If you’re serious about getting real results and you’d like me to work directly with you and your team to help you win more work ($1M plus), nail client experience and relationships, build and then grow a high performing and highly profitable engineering team... just send me an email at [email protected] and put “Private” in the subject line... tell me a little about your business, your role and your team and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!


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