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How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team

Created Specifically For Engineering Consultancies

Build a high performing engineering team that generates incredible profits & frees you up to focus on strategy, direction & the high-growth activities that will move the needle the most & make the biggest difference


Rise Above The Noise

These are interesting and for some, challenging times at the moment. There is work out there, but in much smaller packages and much more hotly contested with everyone bidding on or pricing for the same work. 

So many people in the industry are fighting for work and lowering their fees to win work. Everyone has adopted the scarcity mentality. 

You need to be doing the opposite right now.

This is an incredible opportunity for you to be setting yourself, your team and your business up to break through the hill that is in front of you and come out the other side not just surviving, but thriving. 

Instead of running around and pricing anything and everything, let’s get really strategic here.

Take some time, slow down and identify the value, the real and tangible value, you bring to your clients and your industry. What is it that you can do really well, that no-one else can, that you know will save your clients (or potential future clients) time and money? Remembering...

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Your Number One Focus During A Market Downturn

During a crisis there can be a temptation to split your focus and try and do everything you possibly can to steer the ship out of troubled waters. However, this can be a costly mistake as in actual fact, during a crisis - you need to simplify everything and focus only on mission critical activities. 

And your number one mission critical focus - is cash. 

During a crisis and market downturn - you literally need to be obsessed with your cash flow. You need to be focusing all of your efforts on how you get more cash through your doors. The more cash you have - the more options you have. The less cash you have..... well you're in trouble. 

People can easily get distracted focusing on any number of bright and shiny temptations - but in reality you need to simplify things and focus on dollars coming in vs. dollars going out. You need to be making sure that you're doing everything you can to increase dollars coming in and turning off every and all leaky taps that are...

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This Is Your Time...To Step Up & Lead

Let's be honest. This is a really weird time at the moment. 

I know nothing about viruses - I'll leave that to the doctors. 

What I do know is - now, more than ever, we need leaders. 

Your team, your business, the people around you, your family - they need a leader.

Being a leader when things are going really well - that's easy and fun. 

Being a leader in adversity. When things aren't going so well, when people are scared and overwhelmed and can't think straight - that's not so easy. 

But where there is fear and overwhelm, there is also opportunity. And this is a really incredible opportunity for you to learn, to build the skills and get to experience what it's like leading in adversity. 

Now, no-one expects you to be perfect at this. But your team and the people around you who look up to you - are looking at you to guide them, to comfort them and to help them feel more at ease knowing that you're leading the way. 

There are 3 key elements to...

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What Are Your 3 Big Rocks?

Today I want to talk to you about a really simple concept that helps my clients set their day up for a win. 

It’s a really simple and implementable strategy that ensures you are always focusing on the tasks and priorities that will move the needle the most for you, your team and your business. 

I’ll also explore with you why people don’t / won’t do this, and it has a lot to do with them secretly enjoying being stuck in a stressed out and overwhelmed state. 





Hello everyone, Josh here. Hope you're having an incredible day 

Now in today's video, I want to ask you - what are your three big rocks?

Now, I use this teaching concept a lot with my engineering coaching clients and it really helps them set up their day for a win. And you know, I'll talk a little bit about the time management element of it, but really want to talk to you about - well, why don't...

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