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How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team

Created Specifically For Engineering Consultancies

Build a high performing engineering team that generates incredible profits & frees you up to focus on strategy, direction & the high-growth activities that will move the needle the most & make the biggest difference


Slow Down For Better Results

Today I want to explore with you why being busy means that you can't and won’t be a good leader… 

Big statement I know! 

You see, most of us are so conditioned to being busy. We think that being busy and ticking things off our to-do list, running around all day every day and getting to the end of every day exhausted is the way to achieving the success that we want to achieve. 

However, the issue with being busy all the time and trying to get things done all the time is that you're never slowing down and taking the time to think strategically about where your team or your business is going. 

Let me explain. 

By being busy all the time you are robbing yourself, your team and your business of your ability to think creatively, your ability to think strategically and your ability to set a vision for where your team and your business is going. 

So by being busy all the time and rushing around all the time and trying to fill your days full of...

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How To Become A Strategic Leader

How often do you stop to question and critique where you are spending your time and energy during the week?

Do you know which aspects within your team or business that you do each and every day are your high dollar productive activities?

The only way you will be able to get your team or business humming is for you to get super focused on focusing your time, effort and energy on YOUR high dollar productive activities and the aspects that move the needle the most. 

In today's video I walk you through how to move into a strategic leadership role and the steps required to get you there.

If you want to learn more, follow the link below to watch the video. 

Click Here  to watch now. 

Josh ‘Delegate’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for engineering leaders and business owners
    It’s our new Facebook community where engineering leaders and...
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Step Into The Uncomfortable

Question for you….. 

Do you step into and embrace uncomfortable experiences? Or do you pull back?

As human beings, we are conditioned to move away from things that stress us. We unconsciously and unknowingly pull back from stepping into uncomfortable situations. 

Today I would like to challenge you to become aware of when you are pulling back from situations or experiences that make you uncomfortable - and do the opposite - lean in! 

Be OK being uncomfortable. That's where the growth is! 

If you want to learn more on this topic, follow the link below to watch the video. 

Click Here  to watch now. 

Josh ‘Get Uncomfortable’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for engineering leaders and business owners
    It’s our new Facebook community where engineering leaders and business owners are learning the strategies and...
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Start Doing, Stop Doing

In a recent group coaching session in my 10 week & Boardroom programs, we were talking priorities and how to use your time effectively. 

As leaders and business owners, your time is precious and I'm sure there are SO many things you could be doing with your time and your days. 

If you want to get serious about growing your team and your business, generating more revenue and being successful as a leader in ways that are meaningful to you - then you have to get serious about where you are spending your time.

No, this isn't another time management pep-talk. This is about you and I getting serious with each other for a second and getting you to take full and complete responsibility for your time and where you are directing your effort and energy. 

I'd like you to get out a pen and paper and spend 5 minutes writing down your answers to the following:

  • Start Doing - what should I start doing in my role to move the needle more?
  • Stop Doing - what should I stop doing that...
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Are You All In?

Recently I realised there were a few areas of my life and in business where I wasn't 'all in' - meaning areas where I wasn't 100% committed to what I was doing, the outcomes I was looking to achieve and the effort I was putting in. 

I also realised that these were the areas of my life and business that I wasn't get great results in. And because I wasn't getting great results or outcomes, this just further added to my attitude of "why bother" & "there's no point" & "why put effort in here, when the outcomes aren't paying off".

But I also realised that these areas where I wasn't getting great results was actually my choice!

I wasn't putting the effort into these areas of my life - so how could I expect the results to be stellar? 

So I decided to make a commitment to myself, my family and my business - to be 'all in' in every facet of my life. 

When I'm with my wife and my kids - I'm all in! I'm right there, in the moment playing, engaging and being open and...

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What You Focus On Grows

What you focus on – GROWS! 

Where you put your effort, attention and energy – that’s the areas where you’ll get the traction and results.

If you focus on lack, negativity, things going wrong, bad clients, terrible fees and a poor performing team – well guess what, that’s what you’ll get! 

In today's video I explore the 3 core areas of Clients, Team and Revenue and how if you really focus on getting better in these 3 areas in your team and business, then guess what you’ll start to get more of? 

You guessed it. More Clients, a well-oiled and high performing Team and more Revenue! 

If you want to learn more on this topic, follow the link below to watch the video. 

Click Here to watch now. 

Josh ‘Where’s Your Focus’ Stone

PS: If you’re interested, here are 4 ways I can help you right now:

  1. Join the Leaders In Engineering community designed specifically for engineering leaders and...
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Your Language Matters

As we get stuck into a new year, I want to share with you something I have really been focusing on intently recently...which is the type of language I use every day.

Let me explain. 

The language you use has a tone - either positive or negative. It can be uplifting or it can bring you (and others) down. 

The tone of the language you use regularly absolutely has an impact on yourself, your mood, your energy and your psychology. 

It also has a really big impact on those around you - your clients, your team, your family - and how they perceive you, interact with you and feel about you. 

This morning as I was getting ready I had a thought as I looked at my watch - "I better hurry up here otherwise I'll miss my train". 

Immediately I caught my thoughts and recognised it was negative and centred around the fact that I was going to miss my train - so I changed the dialogue with myself. 

"I better hurry up here so I can catch my train" 

It may not seem...

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Your Year Ahead

Wow, what a super interesting year! Right?!

If you're like a lot of the engineering and construction industry right now you're still madly running around trying to get things finished and wrapped up before the Christmas break. 

Things work wise are likely to be quite intense and busy right up until Christmas this year and then you'll be jumping right into family get togethers, parties and the holidays which also can be quite full on.

Today I'd like to remind you that it's incredibly important for you to create some space in all of the craziness and intensity of work and life to really reflect and evaluate the year you've just had. 

Before you can look to 2021 and the year ahead, it is so important to evaluate the year that’s just gone - including its successes, failures, lessons and themes - before you think about next year and your goals and how you want things to be different. 

You really want to understand what happened this year, why it happened and how to...

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How To Build Resilience

This week I went live on LinkedIn and talked about the steps to building resilience.

If you'd like to check out the recording on LinkedIn - Click Here  

At the moment your team, your business and the industry in general needs leaders who are resilient. 

We need leaders who can stay calm, focused and rational in moments of crisis and in prolonged periods of uncertainty.

Mental resilience isn't something that we obtain overnight or by hanging out in a cave by ourselves for 2 years. It's something we build over time and it's absolutely a skills we can learn. 

Here are the 4 steps I covered in my live video to building resilience and mental toughness: 

  1. Lean In
    Instead of running, hiding or shying away from difficult or uncomfortable situations or situations that require effort and energy - do the opposite. Lean in! Look at them as opportunities to learn something new, grow as a person and develop yourself as a leader. 
  1. Stay Present & Conscious
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Become The Orchestra Conductor

One of the areas that a lot of my clients struggle with is building themselves into a purely strategic and high level leadership role, whereby they are the orchestra conductor of their team and business.

Successfully building yourself into this role means that you are responsible for the high level and long term vision of your team and your business. You are responsible for where you want to be taking your team and business and how you want to get there. 

To be truly successful in this role, you need to:

  • Have a really good handle on where the market sector that you play in is going in 6, 12 and 18 months’ time.
  • Be creating the time and space in your day to think creativity and strategically about your vision for the future of your team and business (hint - this can't happen at your desk or in the office).
  • Be talking to and connecting with existing customers and future potential customers that support you having a good solid pipeline of work in 6, 12 and 18 months’...
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