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How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team

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Put Yourself Out There

In last week’s webinar - Your Best Year Yet - we explored the importance of confidently positioning yourself, your team or your business strongly in the marketplace to allow you to win more work and attract the best talent into your team or business. 

Click Here  to check out the webinar recording if you couldn't attend live.

There were a couple of statements that we explored with the group from a mindset and thought process point of view that are really important when it comes to elite level positioning. 

“It’s OK for me to put myself out there and be seen as an expert and a thought leader”

“It’s OK for me to position myself in the marketplace as ELITE – the best of the best” 

You see, one of the biggest blocks I see with leaders and business owners in the engineering and construction industry when it comes to positioning their team or business as elite, the best of the best, in their chosen field or area of...

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Know Your Blind Spots

This week I ran a webinar called Clients By Christmas where we explored strategies to help win work and increase revenue by Christmas. 

I ran an interesting exercise towards the end of the webinar where I asked the group to tell me the first thing that came to mind in response to this statement: 

"Marketing, sales & business development is....."

The range of responses was SUPER interesting! Here's some:

  • Hard
  • Painful
  • Enjoyable
  • One of my KPI's
  • Difficult 

You get the point. 

The really interesting thing for me was the differing range of responses with respect to such a critical and important element of running and growing a team or business. 

For those people whose default response was - enjoyable - take a guess at how they will apply themselves to marketing, sales & business development? You got it - Joy! Fun! Curiosity! 

For those people whose default response was - hard or painful or difficult - take a guess at how successful they will be when...

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Winning Work CAN Be Easy

So many engineering leaders and business owners groan when you talk to them about winning work.

"It's really hard"

"It takes a lot of effort and most of the time doesn't pay off"

"Most of the potential customers I talk to already have their preferred engineer and they are just going to give the work to them regardless of what I say or do"....

...and this is absolutely true if you're approaching BD and winning work like everyone else - unfocused networking, boozy lunches, fighting for work based on being the cheapest etc. etc.

Today I want to talk to you about a strategy that has been absolutely amazing for my clients: Authority marketing. 

Authority marketing is where you are actively and consciously positioning yourself, your team and your business as a thought leader and a market leader in your chosen field.

You are constantly producing articles, marketing material, content for LinkedIn and other platforms as well as your email database where you are talking about your...

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The Best Business Development Strategy

How incredible does it feel when you land a new big client or project? It feels great right!!

You’ve often spent months (or sometimes years) investing your time, effort and energy in bringing this client or project over the line.

But to be honest with you, it’s not the greatest business development strategy out there. It takes a lot of time and energy, pulls you away from leading your team and your business and can often take months or years before anything comes to fruition.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love it when my clients land new clients because they are so excited that their efforts have paid off, it often means exciting things for their team and business and every growing team or business needs an element of winning new work from new clients in their BD strategy.

Today I want to explore with you the less sexy and often unsung hero of business development...retaining existing clients.

Once the incredible amount of effort has been invested in winning a new...

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